Chapter Sixteen

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DISCLAIMER: I own nothing except for Nessie...and a new OC...


Robin ended up taking me to the carnival that stops in Gotham every year. When I first realized that we were going there, I wondered how we were going to blend in. It's not everyday that you see Robin and Catgirl at a carnival. But as we approached, I noticed that other visitors were dressed up as different people, mostly as villains and heroes. I even saw a little girl dressed up as me. Then I noticed the flyers all over the park that stated: DRESS UP AS YOUR FAVORITE SUPERHERO/VILLAIN!

"It's a Halloween event. I thought that we could go unnoticed here, or 'run away', in your words," Robin stated as we walked into the park. "It's also free admission." Suddenly, a boy around 8 dressed up as Robin stopped in front of us.

"Your costume doesn't look a thing like the Boy Wonder," he told Robin before stalking off. Robin and I looked at each other, then burst out laughing.


"It's nice up here," I commented. Robin and I were sitting in a car on the Ferris Wheel, looking up at the stars.

"Yeah, it is," Robin replied, but he was looking at me when he said it. My face heated up, and I was so glad that I had a mask on. Suddenly, I heard a scream. Images of the Scarecrow popped into my mind. Sitting straight up, I looked down at the tiny people bustling around the carnival. Another scream hit my ears, and I saw a little girl being chased by another little girl. It wasn't screams of terror; it was screams of delight. Sighing, I sank back into my seat. The back of my neck prickled, and I turned to find Robin staring at me with a worried expression.

"What?" I shot at him.

"You're really freaked out about Scarecrow, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not."

"I can tell when you're lying."

"Well, I'm not lying."

"Yes you are."

"How can you tell when I'm lying? You don't even know me." There was a few beats of silence as the car drifted downward, and then Robin grabbed my hand.

"You're right, I don't know you that well. But I'm willing to get to know you if you would let me." The doors to the car opened, and I pulled my hand away and stepped out.

"I can't. Trust issue for me."


"I've...been hurt too many times." I tried to be as vague as possible while saying this.

"I would never hurt you." He stood in front of me and just stared with this...indescribable look on his face. And I stared right back.


We didn't mention the Ferris Wheel talk as we continued to roam around the lot. As we were getting ready to leave, I saw a building to my left with a sign that said 'House of Mirrors...In The Dark!'. I felt like it was pulling me to it somehow, like I had to go into it or I would die.

"We have to go in there before we leave," I told Robin. He glanced at it before cracking a smile.

"Okay." We walked through the small entryway, and the door shut behind us. The House wasn't exactly dark, but dimly lit, giving the place an eerie feeling. For miles and miles, exact replicas of Robin and I extended, mimicking our movements. We started our journey through the many mirrors, and I kept getting the feeling that someone was watching me, but it wasn't Robin this time. Then we came to two different paths, each stretching for as long as the eye can see.

"It's left. The exit is left," Robin stated, pulling up a map of the place on his holographic glove. But I didn't believe him, even while looking at the map. Something was telling me to go right.

"No, it's right."





"Fine! You go right, but you'll hit a dead end."

"Whatever." I stalked off down the right path. Wait, why did I choose to go down here? Why had I parted from Robin? Rule number one: never split up. I turned around and found me staring at myself. Wait. This couldn't be happening. I banged on the glass, turning right and left, but could not find the way that I had come from. "Robin?" I called out. "Robin?!" Freaking out now, I punched one of the mirrors too hard, shattering it. "Dammit," I muttered, clutching my bleeding hand. The only way to go was forward, so that's where I went. Now I was seriously questioning going in here. I pulled out pieces of glass out of my hand, dropping them behind me as I continued down the path of reflections.

I eventually came to a circular room with mirrors hanging on every wall. I was not surprised to find that as I turned around, I faced myself, as the way I came from had been replaced by a mirror. My stomach was full of knots, and I could barely manage to call out Robin's name again. All I could do was spin around and around, staring at myself from every angle imaginable. Then I stopped in front of a mirror in particular: I could see another person behind me. I looked in the other mirrors, and I saw the same person, coming closer. The one person morphed into two people, and that was when I started to not be able to breath due to fear. What was going to happen to me? One of the people approached me, until they were standing right next to me and I could make out their features, which only made my fear worse. I soon realized that I was trembling, and the person leaned right next to my ear and whispered in a raspy voice.

"It's okay. The only thing to fear itself." Then he punched me in the face, and I crumpled to the floor, unconscious.


Cue the suspenseful music!

Who is the other person beside the King of Fear? You'll find out in the next chappy!

Thank you to all who have read, voted, commented, etc. my story! Almost 1,000 reads? I am seriously whelmed!

Y'all know what to do. (vote, comment, follow) :D

~~The Bat has left the room~~

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