Chapter 1

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"You ain't shit! DO YOU HEAR ME?!" Michael yells as he continues to hit me , blow after blow. I curl up into a ball, trying to protect my face. "please stop!" I yell out to him. The hits stop as I hear him chuckle. "if it wasn't for you, my WIFE would still be alive today! You aren't worth my fucking time!"

I sit straight up in bed drenched in sweat. I look around my room and try to slow my breathing back down. "It was just a nightmare" I say to myself. I climb out of bed and head to the bathroom, hoping some cool water on my face will calm me down. I look up in the mirror and see the results of last nights events. Just another reminder that my nightmares are actually my reality. I walk back into my room and check the clock on my phone. "4:30? shit, I never get a full nights sleep." I lay down and turn on my TV and start flipping through the channels. Eventually I feel myself drifting back off to sleep. Maybe this time it will be without the nightmares.

*Didn't they tell you that I was a savage...* I wake up to my alarm going off. I roll over and grab it "thanks Rhianna." I get up and head to my closet and pull out some khaki joggers and a simple purple Ralph Lauren v-neck. I go jump in the shower and just let the hot water run down my body before I begin to bathe. I start to reminisce on my Mom, I miss her so much. I feel the tears begin to fall down my face, I quickly wipe them away and finish my shower. I step out and dry myself off, looking in the mirror. I notice how much I look like my Mom. She was Hispanic, I have her tan skin and long jet black, curly hair but I have Michael's hazel eyes. Unfortunately, I also have those bruises on my body from him. I walk back into my room and get dressed, pulling my hair back into a pony tail. I grab my phone checking the time, 7:25 I have 20 mins to get to class. I snatch my backpack off the floor, my car keys and head downstairs, hoping to avoid Michael. I manage to make it out the door and to my car without any issues.

I pull up to Lincoln High and see Camren waiting outside of her car with her Girlfriend, Alex. I hop out the car and I instantly feel arms around my neck. "hey boo" she says kissing my cheek. "hey Cam, can you believe this is it for us?" I reach over and slap hands with Alex. "I know! I can't believe it, Lemme see your schedule Lo." I hand her over my schedule as we walk towards the school.

"I see we got 2nd block English and 3rd block Psychology together." Cam says handing me back my schedule. "still can't believe you were able to get out of having a 4th block!"

"Did you hear about the new Psych teacher? I heard that she is super young and has a banging body." Alex speaks up as I am putting my backpack in my locker, only keeping a pen. We don't do shit on the first day anyway.

Cam slaps Alex in the back of the head, "I don't care how banging her body is, you better not be looking!"

I chuckle at the two of them as I begin to walk backwards towards my first block class. "Hey, I'm getting out of here, catch y'all later!"

"Bye boo! See ya in second and please be good!" Cam yells.

"Well, no promises baby, you know how I am!" I spin around to walk off and turn right into a small frame. Out of instinct I wrap my arm around her waist to keep her from falling. I look up into these beautiful brown eyes. Damn, she must be new here because I know all the girls but I definitely don't know her! I finally speak up as I watch her face grow red. "Excuse me Mrs...."

"It's Miss Peters" she quickly says pulling my arm from around her waist.

Damn, she's a teacher? Wow. I close my mouth and smile. "Well, nice to meet you Miss Peters, I hope to see you again soon." I give her my award winning smile. I watch her cheeks flush once again and just like that she quickly walks off. I can't help but let my eyes fall to that nice ass, I am brought back to reality by the bell ringing. "shit!" I rush off to class before I get detention on the first day.

Miss Peters POV

I was trying to rush to my classroom, I didn't want to be late for my first day. I just graduated from college and I wanted to make a good impression. I was flipping through some papers that the secretary had just given me and next thing I know I run smack into this body but before I could fall, I felt an arm wrap around my waist, pulling my back up. When I meet the hazel eyes of what I now know to be the girl who kept me from falling, I am left speechless. She is absolutely gorgeous. I notice that her mouth is moving, is she speaking to me?

"Excuse me Mrs...." she says.

"It's Miss Peters" I quickly remove her hand and try to hide my red face. Why am I feeling this way? I have got to get it together!

"Well, nice to meet you Miss Peters, I hope to see you again soon."

I feel my face get hotter as she smiles back at me. I don't even know what to say so I just quickly walk away to my class. I make it to my desk and sit down. What the hell was that Shannon?! I gather myself as my students begin making their way in.

I managed to make it through 1st and 2nd block without thinking about that hazel eyed beauty. Only one more period and I have a free period. It has been the same ole stuff all day. Introductions and the syllabus that's it and quite frankly, I am over it. I stand up and make my way to the door to meet my next group of students. I was talking to the teacher next door and I glance down at my watch to see there is only two minutes until the bell rings. I am instantly struck by a familiar voice. I look up and I am greeted by those same eyes that have been on my mind all day. No, No, No, she can not be in my class.

"Hi Miss Peters, didn't think I would be seeing you again so soon." Logan smiles and winks my way as she walks in to her seat with another female.

I look away, biting my lip. "shit!" I mumble as the bell rings.

I walk to the podium and begin. "Hello class, my name is Miss Peters and I am the new psychology teacher. We are going to be doing the same thing that you have probably been doing all day long. We are going to go around the room and introduce ourselves and tell something about yourself." I find myself trying not to look back at her sitting at the back of my class talking to whoever that is she walked in with. I find myself getting a little jealous. I wish she would smile at me like that. I quickly snap out that as the class begins their introductions.

I keep glancing back at her, waiting for her turn. I just want to know her name and anything about her. Finally it is her turn and I make sure to pay attention.

"Hi, my name is Logan, I am a senior. Just taking this class for the hell of it." the class chuckles. "language Miss Logan." I speak up.

"Anyways, I'm 17 years old, this is my bestie and I will let her tell the rest." Logan looks up at me and then sits down. I don't even hear what the rest of the class has to say, I just stare at her the rest of the block. I didn't even hear the bell ring but I watch Logan stand up and walk out with Camren but not before she steals a glance back my way.

I drop my head and begin running my hands through my hair. What the hell is wrong with me? There is no way this girl has me feeling this way and It is only day one. This is going to be a long year.

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