Chapter 9

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I wake up the next morning to the smell of breakfast cooking. My stomach starts to growl as the smell of bacon and eggs hit me. I sit on the couch and stare at Shannon in the kitchen. I think back to the nightmare I had last night. It's been a really long time since I've had one but I guess I should have expected it wouldn't last long. I hate that I broke down to Shannon after trying to stay away from her. I get up and sit at the counter and watch her cook. She eyes me, giving me a soft smile.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I look over at the clock that says 11:12.

"I figured you needed to sleep in." She puts some bacon, eggs, and toast on a plate and sits it in front of me.

I just nod my head as she walks around and sits next to me with her plate. We both begin eating in silence.

"Thanks for the food" I say without looking up.


Once we were finished, I clean up the dishes and sit next to her on the couch as she works on her laptop. It's such an awkward atmosphere between us. I decide to break the silence.

"How was your date last night?"

"It wasn't a date but it was fine." She looks over at me. I can tell she is trying to read me.

"You know that right? It wasn't a date." She's trying to make me feel better but I still don't trust Rachel. I shrug my shoulders and nod. I hear her let out a sigh and goes back to work. We sit in silence for a little while longer before she speaks up this time.

"How was work?" she ask.

"It was work, got some good tips." This time she nods at me.

"Still going apartment hunting today with Cam?" She stares at her laptop not even typing. I guess there is no time like the present. I shift turning towards her on the couch.

"Um about that..." Shannon sits her laptop on the coffee table and turns towards me, making this even more difficult.

"I signed a lease on an apartment not too far from here yesterday. They said I can move in on Monday." I can't even stomach to look at her.

"Oh..." I hear the disappointment in her voice. What did she expect? Me to live here forever and us be a happy couple? She picks up her laptop and goes back to whatever she's doing.


"There is more?" She cuts me off.

I nod. "Despite how bad everyone thinks I am. I'm graduating early."

"Wow. So, this is it for you huh? Only a few weeks left."

"Yeah it is." I don't know what else to say to her. "Shannon, thank you so much for what you've done for me and allowing me to stay here. I hope you know I really do appreciate it. I don't know how to repay you."

"You don't have to. I know you appreciate it and for the record. I never thought you were bad." I hear her voice shake a little bit.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm happy for you, I really am Logan. It's just, it's just how do you forget about all the moments we've had."

I shrug my shoulders. "I honestly don't know. I certainly don't want to because I've enjoyed each one. I have never felt this way about a person before but I'm conflicted when I see that you clearly still have feelings for your ex." I watch Shannon go into deep thought.

"I don't know what it is about her." She looks down as she continues to talk. "I don't talk about This much but she use to call me all kinds of names and put her hands on me." I feel myself get tense at the thought of someone putting their hands on her.

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