Chapter 6

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Shannon's POV

I wake up to Logan shifting in my arms. We were still wrapped up on the floor with me holding her. How can a parent just abandon their child? I can't even imagine what she has been through. I watch her shift around in my arms trying to get comfortable. What is it about her Mom that makes her so upset? There is so much I want to know about her but I know that with Logan it is going to take time. I shake her a little trying to wake her up to get in the bed.

"Logan, sweetie wake up. Why don't you get in the bed. It has to be more comfortable than this floor." I let out a small laugh. She smiles back at me and makes her way from the floor to the bed. I follow behind her to make sure she is settled in before I head for the couch. As I begin to walk away I hear her sweet voice speak.

"Don't leave me, please stay." I look at how vulnerable she looks, I walk back over and climb in bed next to her. As Logan snuggles up into my chest I can't help but think about the cocky, strong woman who would flirt with me at the bar, who threw winks at me in class and now look at her. It didn't take long for both of us to drift off to sleep.

The next morning I wake up to empty arms and an empty bed. I looked around and noticed that Logan was gone. I jump out of the bed and rush to the living room to find her sitting at the counter.

"Good morning" I say approaching her. "How did you sleep?" I sit next to her waiting for a response when I receive nothing but silence I decide not to push it. I walk around and start making some coffee.

"I'm sorry" She speaks so softly I almost didn't hear her.

"For what sweetheart?" I turn back to face her. She doesn't make eye contact with me but I let her speak.

"For last night, I usually don't let that happen" I walk around and lift her chin so that I can look into her beautiful hazel eyes.

"You don't ever have to apologize for that. I have told you that I will always be here for you and I wasn't lying." I don't know what compelled me but I lean in and take her lips into mine. I begin to move my lips against hers that are still not moving but it doesn't take long before they start to move back against mine. She begins to kiss me more aggressively, taking control. I feel her stand and push me against the counter, her hands making their way to my waist brushing against my bare skin in the process. That touch sends chills down my spine. She lifts me up onto the counter and positions herself between my legs. I can't seem to think let alone breathe as she moves her lips to my neck. Planting kisses down to my collarbone and working her way back up to my sweet spot behind my ear. She starts to suck and nibble on my ear. I let out a moan from deep inside out which only fueled her more as she starts to suck harder on that spot, her hands moving up my thighs closer to that spot I so desperately want Her to touch. I start to feel that familiar tingling between my legs. "Oh fuck!" Is all I could manage out as her hands runs up my sides making me arch into her. She stops leaning against me to catch her breath. I wrap my arms around her neck to maintain my balance.

"What are we doing?" She whispers. I gently push her away not wanting her to think I regretted what just happened because I certainly didn't.

"I don't know, I think we better get ready for school." I slide down off the counter and before I walk away from her I grab her hand. "I don't know what we are doing but I haven't had this feeling in awhile and I like it but I'm scared." She looks up at me and stares into my eyes. I can't figure out what she is thinking but she finally lets me in.

"Me too." She gently kisses my forehead before heading to my bedroom. "I've already showered, you can have the bathroom and I'll go ahead and change."

We arrive separately to school since she is still 17 and it's pretty illegal to have her in my house. I tried to focus on my classes but it was pointless. Next week was Thanksgiving break and we weren't really doing anything. The moment Logan and I had this morning kept replaying in my head. she felt so damn good against me and the thoughts, Lord the thoughts she were giving me were sinful. I felt like I was going to loose all control the way she was touching and kissing me. I felt my body heat up just thinking about it. I unbuttoned my light blue blouse just a little to try and cool off.

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