Chapter 10

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It's been three days since I've moved out. Things have been strange between Shannon and I since that night we came back to her apartment from Dinner at Kasey's. We didn't have sex that night even though I'm pretty sure both of us wanted to.

I haven't seen her since the day she helped me move but she sends me text messages here and there to check on me.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and Cam is getting ready to head home. She stayed the night but they are leaving for North Carolina this afternoon. Her Mom is still undecided about moving or not.

"Alright Lo, I'm about to go. I'll see you as soon as I get back?" I walk Cam to the door and I rub her big belly.

"I will see you and Julianna when you get back!"

Yes, Cam is having a girl! She decided to name her Julianna Marie. I can't wait to meet her! Greg still is not involved in the pregnancy but Julianna and Cam will be just fine without him!

I give Cam another hug before she walks out the door. I shut the door behind her and plop on the couch, grabbing my phone off the table. I see that I have a message from Shannon.

Shannon: Thanksgiving dinner has been moved to my house. Mom is having so work done. The offer still stands if you want to stop by before you go to work.

Me: Thanks. Maybe I will stop by.

Shannon: Awesome! I really don't want to meet my Moms boyfriend by myself. Come by early?

Me: I'll be there in the morning.

Shannon: Thanks! :)

I sit my phone back down. I hope our relationship continues to get better. I can't imagine my life without her in it.

Things are looking up for me. I have my own place, working, I finish school in a few weeks. For once I feel like I can be happy.

I haven't heard from my Dad since we were evicted and I'm okay with that.

For the rest of the day I chill and finish getting my apartment more like me. I text back and forth with Cam. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep on the couch.


I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing. I look at the caller ID and see that it's Shannon.


"I thought you were coming over to help me?!?"

I look at the clock and see it's only 6:30a. What the hell?

"Calm down Shannon, it's only 6:30 Let me shower and I'll be over."

She sighs in the phone and hangs up. I roll off the couch and head for the shower. Her family can't be that bad? I'm just meeting her Mom and boyfriend, right?

After I climb out the shower, I slip on a pair of nice khaki pants a royal blue Ralph Lauren polo with white Ralph Lauren shoes. I look at myself in the mirror and decide to leave my hair down. I grab my phone off the counter and head over to Shannon's.

On the way over I reminisce on how my Mom use to be up cooking dinner bright and early on Thanksgiving day. I use to help her in the kitchen with the Thanksgiving Day Parades on in the background.

I pull up in the parking space outside of Shannon's apartment and park. I hear the notification on my phone go off.

Cam: Happy Thanksgiving. Julianna and I are so thankful to have you in our lives.

I smile at the thought of my best friend and my future Niece that I can't wait to meet.

Me: I love you and Julianna <3

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