Chapter 16

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Shannon's POV

I don't know what I was thinking going to Scorpios to find Logan. I had been calling her all day, I just wanted to hear her voice and when I finally got her on the phone. It made me want to see her so I got dressed and snuck out to Scorpios. You are probably wondering why I had to sneak out.

The night I left Logan's. I was absolutely devastated but I couldn't leave her in harms way. I knew that if I stayed there that Rachel was going to kill her and I rather her be alive and me not have her than her to die and it be my fault.

Rachel hasn't changed though. She was so angry when I returned that I couldn't walk for the first couple of days. I had to quit my job because I was too beat up.

I was sitting at a booth in the corner away from Logan but I could still see her occasionally. It didn't take me long to notice the bags under her eyes. I know they are because of me.

I can't imagine how much she hates me and I just wish she knew how bad I want her back in my life. It has been a miserable two weeks without her.

I know tomorrow is the anniversary of her Moms death. I promised her we would go to the mountains and I would be there for her! I let her down.

I look and see Logan glancing at me, I quickly turn away so that she can't see my face. I want to approach her and at least apologize. She wouldn't kill me in a large crowd...I hope not.

Logan is leaning against the bar talking to the guy I know to be Mark. I take this as my chance to walk up to her without being recognized.

I notice that Mark is nodding In my direction. Oh shit.

As soon as Logan turns around all I want to do is get lost in those hazel eyes just like I have some many times before.

Of course things turn into an argument and she storms off. She was so angry and I don't blame her.

I finally drag myself out of the car and into Rachel's house. I stop dead in my tracks when I see her standing at the bottom of the stairs with only the light in the foyer on.

"Where the hell have you been Shannon?"

"Um..I...I met up with Kasey for drinks."

I start to back up as she stands and walks towards me. The light grazes her face allowing me to see how angry she is.

"Why do you insist on doing this?! Why do you insist on lying?!"

"I'm not lying baby." I stutter.

She pins me against the door, I smell the alcohol on her breath. This is the Rachel that I know.

"Do you think I am a fucking idiot?! You must be because I saw you go into Scorpios." She yells pounding the wall beside my face. I flinch after every word she says.

"I didn't know that was where Kasey was taking me."

"You won't give up this lie huh? I can tell that I am going to have to get that pussy ass friend of yours out of the picture for good."

I shake my head as my heart starts racing even faster, it feels like it is about to jump out of my chest.

"No baby, please I promise I will never see her again. Please don't hurt her!" I beg as a wicked smile grows on her face, sending chills down my spine.

"It's too late, I don't get why you would want someone who clearly doesn't want you. I saw her walk away, I saw her turn her back on you."

My heart begin to sink lower and lower. She's right. Why would Logan want me after what I did to her. I feel Rachel's hands run down my body.

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