Chapter 26

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I was laying across the bed watching my favorite movie Pitch Perfect on netflix and surfing through the internet on my laptop while Addison took her afternoon nap in the co sleeper. I had talked to Shannon this morning and she had let me know she arrived in Georgia okay. I was getting ready to close my laptop when I decided to check my email one last time. I was waiting on a email from my captain about the new schedule. I am totally loving working at the fire department. I never knew it was something I was so passionate about. I noticed I had three new emails. One being from my captain, one being from my Aunt Dianne on my Mom's side who reaches out to me every few months and then one from an unknown email address I had never seen before. I decided to read the one from my captain first since that was the whole reason I checked my email. I read the email from my Aunt Dianne, she lives off the south Pacific coast in Mexico with her husband Charles with their daughters Vanessa and Rosie. She goes on to tell me about how her family is doing and she ask a bunch of questions and she ends with the same thing, asking me to come visit. I have only seen her a few times but I might take her up on her offer some day.

I quickly reply back to her and open the email from the unknown email address. I didn't even notice the subject until now: Do you know who you are sleeping with? What the hell is this? I open it and notice that it is a video. I quickly click on it and I instantly hear Shannon moaning. I pause and check to make sure Addison is still sleep. I slip my headphones on and click play. I sat in the middle of the bed with my mouth wide open. I can't believe I was watching my future wife have sex with a girl....oh and she looks to be moaning Elliott's name, I can't believe I am seeing my fiancee have sex with Elliott. The same girl we have been fighting about. I only make it through about 30 secs before I turn it off. I was going to be sick. I jumped off the bed rushing to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet in time before I vomit. I flush the toilet and walk over to the sink to wash my face. I stare at the mirror, looking back at myself. What have I done to deserve to have every person I have loved either leave me or hurt me. I walk back into the bedroom and sit on the edge of the bed spacing off as the video replayed itself over and over in my head.

How the hell could she do this to me? Not only to me but to Addison? Why would she want to ruin our family? I didn't know what to feel, there was so many emotions rushing through me at once. I was angry, hurt, sad, annoyed and many other things. I felt the tears sliding my cheek and I quickly wiped them away. I picked up my cellphone and called the one person who could give me an answer to this....Shannon but of course her phone went straight to voicemail. I don't know how long I stayed sitting there before I was brought out of my trance by Addison's cries. I walk over and scoop her up, placing her on my shoulder.

"I know you are ready for dinner, let's go downstairs baby girl." Addison and I head downstairs and I place her in her seat at the table while I grab her favorite the rice and chicken baby food. I bring over the baby carrots, she already doesn't vegetables but she has to eat them. She has been adjusting to baby food so well lately. It is amazing how fast she is growing up.

I sit at the table with her, feeding her. For a brief moment I was able to forget about the pain in my chest while I focused on her beautiful smile.

"You are just the sweetest little thing aren't you Monkey?" Addison cooed and smiled big as I talked to her. After I had her fed, I climb the stairs to get her bathed, diaper changed and in her jammies. I looked at the clock by the bed and saw that it was almost 8 o'clock. I play with Addison after her bath in her room before I rocked her to sleep. I placed her in the crib and kissed her goodnight, telling her I loved her before turning the monitor on and turning out the lights.

I walk back into my room right next door and throw myself across the bed. The pain and tightness in my chest rears its ugly head again making me remember the hurt and pain. I wanted to text or call Cam but she was away with Jade for the weekend and I didn't want to bug her while she was having a good time. I decided to take a shower and get some sleep because in the morning, Addison and I had to get out of here before Shannon came back.

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