Underneath the old wooden dresser, mixed with a layer of dust and a few wrappers is something I hadn't seen in two long years. My wedding ring. My hand shakes as I reach for it. I finally get my fingers around it, and I hold it close to my body. Jus...
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We arrived in England at 2:56 am. The airport is light up by bright street lights, and the run way looks absolutely beautiful in the dark. My eyes flash as we move quickly down the landing strip. I don't think I've ever been so intrigued by lights in my entire life.
I wasn't able to sleep at all on the airplane. My nerves has been jumbled up, and it was too hard for me to sleep while I'm so high up in the air. That didn't stop North and Ryan from falling asleep though. The two of them almost never have trouble going to sleep.
"Ryan." I whisper, shaking his bicep gently. He shifts his head towards me and groans a little.
"Yeah, baby?" His voice is thick with sleep. One of his hands finds my thigh underneath the blankets and gives it a gentle squeeze.
"We're here." I mumble. Ryan glances over me and out the window. He smiles tiredly.
"We are here." He repeats. I let out a tired breath and roll my eyes at him. He has a way of making unnecessary things a joke. I run my hands through my hair and rest my head against his shoulder.
It's going to be a long night.
The cab ride to the hotel is long, and most of the time I fought North to get her to stop crying. I feel bad for waking her up, I didn't mean to, but I had to pick her up to get her in the car.
By the time we finally get the luggage into the hotel room and I've gotten North to sleep, I want to break down and cry of exhaustion. I hadn't slept a wink for at least an entire twenty four hours. I climb into the bed and let out a tired breath.
Ryan reaches over the bed and rests his hand on my hip. I close my eyes and let out a breath. The hotel room we got is a one bedroom. Which, I'm not complaining. On trips I like to keep North as close to me as possible. So, she's sleeping in between Ryan and I.
I look up at him and take in a deep breath. "What's wrong?" He asks, picking up on how I cant sleep. I shake my head.
"I'm just..nervous. I don't know why- I think I'm just afraid to see him-" I sigh and rest my chin on the top of North's head.
"We didn't come all this way to see him." Ryan reminds me. There's a hint of hatred when he refers to Alex. I don't blame him. A man like Alex shouldn't be called a man at all after what he had done.
"I know that." I sigh. "I'm still nervous. I'm also beyond excited that I get to see my little boy for the first time- being free." I give Ryan a soft smile. He smiles back at me.
"As long as you're happy, I'm happy." Ryan says into the dark. I feel his fingers rub against my side and I can't help but feel at ease.
"I'm so deeply in love with you, that there's no way I couldn't love you." I whisper, placing my hand over the top of his. "Even if you make me mad sometimes." I smile, and Ryan smiles back at me.
"I love you more." He replies. I shake my head against the idea.
"I don't think that's possible." I mumble. My eyelids begin to grow heavy and my mind begins to drift away from me. Ryan is the love of my life. Even if we weren't mates, I think the two of us would have fallen for each other.
It's as if were the same, but uniquely different in our own ways. Ryan's fingers intertwine with mine and his thumb runs over my knuckles.
"Believe what you want, Love. But you and I both know that the love I have for you isn't like anything you've ever witnessed." He replies into the darkness. I smile.
"Well, I guess I'm living a miracle." I sigh.
"Go to sleep, baby. I know you want to. You've got a long day ahead of you." He whispers. I nod my head in agreement. Something about talking to Ryan before I sleep makes me feel at ease. Something about him assuring me it's okay to sleep makes it that much easier to sleep.
His fingers rub my side in a soothing manner. Then, I drift off to sleep without any kind problems.