48- One

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I knew what that could mean. Dad is having a fit and Eevon is the target. I ran to the elevator to his office, second to last floor from the top. It would have a great view, if there were windows. I knocked politely on the door and when I entered, I bowed respectfully.

"Charles, you don't have to be so formal, when it is just the two of us."

"And you don't have to call me Charles," I mumbled.

"Now this girl was supposed to be your responsibility, you know. Not Mason's nor James's, or Alex's, but yours, what are you going to do to make up for the time they spent searching for the girl?"

"Apologize," I meekly said.

"Yes, but I do not believe that that will be enough."He looked at me knowingly. I wish he wouldn't, his steady gaze made me uncomfortable and I backed towards the wall unconsciously.

The elevator opened and I saw Eevon stumble out, still wearing the clothes she had come home in. She didn't notice me.

Everyone bowed, and one of the guards put a large hand on her head forcing her to bow alongside them.

"Rise," my father spoke.

"Father, I have brought the rule breaker," Mason announced.

"Rule breaker is a little heavy, don't you think?" I spoke out of turn.

"She broke the rules..."Mason began.

"Enough," the King spoke dignified. "Mason, thank you. You are dismissed."

"Yes, Father," he bowed quickly to leave.

"As are you," he motioned to the guards.

"But, Your Majesty, the girl is a threat to your life," they protested.

"You are dismissed," the king repeated, insistent. I didn't like where this was going.

"Yes Sir." He saluted, then exited the room with ease. I wished I could get away form here myself and take Eevon with me as easily as he exited.

"Now that we are alone, we can speak in private. Miss Eevon, I believe it is?" Father spoke.

She stumbled out a quick, "Correct."

"Charles," he turned back to me, "You do remember our deal, I presume?"

"Your kidding me?" I asked. "You can't possibly be thinking that I will obey." Is he talking about what I think he is?

"You don't have a choice, boy. Upon order of the King, I enact the punishment of..."

"Wait," Eevon interrupted. I let out a small sigh of relief, but then she began again, "Punishment for what?"

The king answered simply, "You offended me when you disregarded your place at the dinner table and on top of that, today you were already acting out at school. You are disgracing the royal name!"

"Then send me back. Send me back like all of the stupid adoption parents normally do!" She spoke bitterly, with strong hatred. "At least you've lasted the longest..." I almost missed the last comment. It brought up a past I did not know she had. I realized I knew nothing about her.

I stepped towards her. "I didn't know you had been adopted before."

"I've been adopted seven times. Look at me now." She scoffed. A hiccup came of laughter, then some chuckles, tears were pricking her eyes, while she remembered her past. I could only wish to comfort her, but I had neither the nerve or the guts to do anything.

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