46- The End of a Rough Day

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Snow days, gotta love them. The chapter is courtesy of my not done homework and the weather.

Prince Charles Dean Eingall of Tangfad

The car ride was short filled with the ramblings of an excited child. My own sense were over whelmed. I wondered if Eevon was feeling the same way. Did she have fun today, like Alex or does she feel drained, more like me? My home moved into view and the driver took us through the gate and let us off at the door that we had left from. It was nice to see a familiar place again and be surrounded by less noise and questions.

I was handed my backpack by one of our butlers. It felt a lot heavier now that when I had left, even though I knew it wasn't. Our mother was just inside of the door to see us after school, just like she does when we get back from a big trip that we went on without her. "So how was it?" she asked.

"How was what?"

"School, of course!" she laughed it off.

"Amazing!" Alex jumped in, saving me from whatever embarrassing thing I could have said.

We continued to walk. Mason and James were on the other side of our mother saving me from taking the brunt of the conversation, something I wasn't really used to. I guess I can't say they have never done anything for me now. Mother made small talk and I excused myself from the discussion.

Back in my room, I pushed the call button and ordered ice cream. I need something sweet to vanquish my mind of a little thing called school. On a limb, I pushed the button again and asked for the cooks to make two. Maybe Eevon would join me. She likes sweets, I think. "John," I summoned my butler, "Could you go and request Eevon to come here?"

"As you wish, Prince Dean." He left.

I sat down at my desk where I had flung my bag against haphazardly and woke up my laptop, which had been sitting there all day without me using it. I went on to the school website: www.hiroacadamy.pri.edu. I clicked on log in, then on new user as I had done before orientation.

Username: ___________

I wanted something different, but not my name, because I want to be real. Prince of Evil? Nah, what about a Greek God? I searched "Greek and Roman Gods" and came up with a list to choose from.

Username: Nyx Nox

Password: Prince Charles Dean Eingall of Tangfad

That one was easy. I just put my real identity.

Student ID:__________

I looked through my schedule to find the piece of paper with it written on it. I type 76311. Oh yeah, it hits me. The castle's address.

KNOCK KNOCK! The door sounds. "Come in," I call as the school webpage finishes loading.

"I sincerely apologize sir. Miss Eevon cannot be found."

"What do you mean, she can't be found. The only places she is aloud to go is here and school and it is not like there are many places she could go!"

"Please do not get upset, Your highness. She is but a willful girl, who doesn't want to be bound in chains. She will come back. It is as you said, there are not many places she could go."

"Yes, you're right," I replied taking the spoonful of ice cream when he handed me the bowl.

"What shall I do with the other bowl of ice cream?" John asked.

"Send it over to Julie's room, as a 'Hope your day was wonderful!' gift."

"Yes, Prince Dean," and he left the room with that. I opened up my email in a separate tab and shot Mason and James a note about Eevon's disappearing act. I clicked back on to the school website Along one side had a scrolling bar of upcoming activities and the masquerade ball was bolded with a countdown beneath it. There were public and private chat rooms available. I clicked on the chat room that had the most activity in it. I stumbled into a debate forum. In was about being for or against royalty going to the school! What in the world is going on? I am royalty and they are still jabbering away while I... Wait, no one knows that I am royalty.

I stayed and listened to the debate, they made some good points, but not enough to convince me. I followed the debate for it's remainder. The rebuttal was my favorite part to watch, or rather read, defending and attacking your opponents words. The debate ended when the judge, MadMazx23, decided that the Pro Royalty team won. I looked at the clock and it was five! I had spent three hours following the debate. I threw on the outfit my butler had laid out on my bed for supper and hustled down the hall, so to arrive before my parents would. When I walked in Alex and Mason and Julie were waiting at the table. I took my seat between Alex and what would be James chair, but there was another chair still empty, besides where my parents would sit. Do we have a Guest?

I heard a briiing! briiing! as Mason's phone rang. Two minutes until my parents would be joining us.

He answered, "What's up... Ah, yeah. That would be a problem." He glanced over to me. "Well, just get back, James, before our parents get here." He clicked his phone off and announced, "Eevon's missing. She wasn't in her room when James went to get her for dinner."

"She didn't take the car home with me either," Julie chimed in.

"And you know who is going to be blamed for this, me, even though it isn't even my fault she is here."

"No, James is going to get some this time because it was his job to retrieve Eevon from her room."

"Not my fault," I replied.

"Yes, it is. It's your fault that she is here in the first place. If you hadn't gotten on Dad's bad side, she wouldn't be here to cause trouble for us."

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