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Prince Charles Dean


I heard a grumble coming from Eevons's stomach.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her.

"Famished... And tired."

"Why don't I unpack for you and you can lay down on the bed for a bit?"


"Why not?"

"My bras and underwear is in there!"

"So, it's not all that uncommon."

"It's still private!" she yelled and threw a pillow at me. It hit me square in the head.

"Ow!" I said indignantly.

Evan threw another one.

"Again! Seriously?"

"Yep, now get out, so I can unpack."

I see her hand gravitating towards a third pillow. "Okay, okay, okay. I'm going," I replied at the door way.

"Wait," she said. "I twisted my name, it's really Eevon."

I turned around and go back into the room. "Well, it's finally nice to meet you, Eevon," and held out my hand to greet her.

"You should save that for later. You still haven't met me yet."

"By the way, if you see a set of keys, give them to me," then I took my leave at that point, while my mind continued to roll in thoughts.

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