55- Try Outs

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Beep, beep, beep, beep! The alarm clock woke me. I had plugged it back in the previous night, because I thought I would sleep hard. It was time to change into the uniform. I still had the one on loan from Kate and mine was completely destroyed. So as logic dictated, I wore the pants. Like the first day of school, I visited the dinning room, which was decked out, with food, I grabbed and went on my way.  This time, I wasn't going to be late. Or at least that was the plan...

"Hey, Eevon was it?" I was greeted by the foreign princess at the school gates.
I gazed in her direction. I had forgotten she also existed. 

"Yes? What do you want?"

"Excellent, a perceptive individual. I want nothing, except for you to keep you filthy commoner paws off the princes. I heard about the third prince coddling you and the youngest! Oh, wouldn't he be disappointed to here that the poor mutt wasn't pitiable."

"Leave me be," was my reply. There was no way she was messing with me.

She stepped into my path, "That's not possible, since we'll be besties! I have to keep an eye on your lecherous behavior somehow."

I left leaving her smirking face behind me. She's got nothing on me.

Homeroom went smoothly, considering the morning. I was more anxious for later in the day. It was Wednesday. I had science, which I was handed a worksheet from the day I missed.  "All about Earth!" was the title. So creative, then class started where they had left off yesterday. His voice kept the same "booming hush" when he talked on the first day. He gave us lots of papers to put in binders.

I became lost in Latin. Verbs, nouns, declension, feminine and masculine? Why does a word need a gender? What the hell is the person of a word? My pencil drew circlets on the corner of the page as confusion eventually became boredom. English instructions following Latin words. I need to speak with the instructor, but not today.

History, then PE, with Lunch and Study Hall following.

I went to, the usual table? I had only sat there once... but Kate insisted on waving me over. It was then I realized that I had forgotten to pack the lunch in my morning routine. So again I sat at the table with no food, while everyone else dug in.

"Girl, you have got to learn that food is good for you!" the girl in the pink, I think her name was Kammy, told me.

"I just forgot to pack something."

"Why don't you just buy it?" Mathew asked. "I mean, the food is good here and I'm a pretty big food critic. So you know it is better than your average good."

"Nah, I'm really picky," I claimed playing with a hangnail on my ring finger, even though I normally eat anything.

"No wonder your thinner than my pinky!" Mathew held up his hand.

"We are changing that starting this afternoon," Kate declared.

"Oh, about that,"!I stopped her, "I can't come today."

"Why not?"

"I have tryouts."

"For what? You were in the hospital yesterday! Passed out, might I remind you!"

"Soccer and you are not in control of me."

Kate huffed, "I might as well tell you we don't have a female soccer team."

"What? Are you serious, only men's?"

"Yup," Kammy chimed.

"But that is sexist!" I exclaimed.

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