41- Day 1/2

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Hey guys, thanks for hanging on for me and actually bugging me to get this done. I tried to get this done for Christmas. So be merry and have a great new year. Eggnog is actually not bad or at least without alcohol it isn't..


I dread role call... The teacher did something surprising though. He went through it backwards. Good thing; he'll get to my name at the end.

I heard him say many names of my current classmates and then there was me and one other. The other person comes after me.


"Eevon. Here."

"I apologize, Eevon and if you don't mind me asking, why is there not a last name listed?"

"I do not have one..." And that is why I hate role call.

The class became a buzz with gossip on why I don't have a last name. Unfortunately or fortunately, none of it was very close.

"Is she a spy?" one asked.

"What about some elite detective?" another asked.

"That's what a spy is!" a third replied. They laughed at the one girls mistake.

"Settle down!" Mr. Brunswick hollered over the chatter. Silence followed his command shortly after. "One last name, Charles Eingall."

"Here," I heard his voice reply.

"You may now talk."

The room exploded with first day of school chatter. The prince was surrounded by classmates. "What class do have first period? What about second?" and "What's for lunch?" and even "Do you work out?"

I easily faded into the background of the chaos. I saw a group of students whip out a deck of cards, another group chatting; I saw a few clusters of clicks that were, well, clicky. How stereotypical a few of the groups were!

I saw everything happen and no one knew. I saw a kid shuffle the stack of cards crooked, a small boy with glasses was paying out to a cute girl for a packet of weed.

The bell rang, so I grabbed my backpack and slung it over a shoulder and moved out the door quickly. I had to get to my next class...

The halls were bustling like at any other High School, but the atmosphere was different. There was less joking in the halls, less pushing and shoving. It was easier to navigate through crowds of students. There were no boys ambushing a girl against a wall to make-out and the most I saw from obvious couples is to hold hands. I slipped down the new science wing and went to my classroom. A large slowly rotating earth was pictured on the front of a screen, above it said, "Welcome to earth science!"
Everyone was in the classroom by the time the bell rang. People pulled their seats out and sat down. the classroom was silent, but I couldn't see the teacher, anywhere.
I leaved over to the person beside me and whispered, "Where's the teacher?"

"WHO DARES DISTURBED THE PEACE OF SILENCE?" a booming voice could be heard.

A girl yelped.

I looked that way and saw an old man walk in the room. "Was it you? No, no, not you..."

"I believe you are looking for me, Sir," I heard myself say. Why am I doing this? I stood up.

Someone gasped. Did I do something wrong?

"Hmmm, yes. I am. Misssssssss?" he drew out the s.

"Eevon," I responded. I finally got a good look at him now that he stood right in front of me.

He wore large glasses that magnified his eyes to look bug like and a lab coat with strange spots splattering it. His hair was thinning and receded a bit on his scalp, but he wasn't taller than six foot, probably. He slouched. "Why did you disturb the peace?"

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