31-room number 233

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Prince Charles Dean Eingall

We arrive back home, it's nearing five o'clock. The kitchen should be preparing dinner. It'll be ready soon.

"Mason and James, please lead Princess Julie Constare of Slovakia to her bedchamber," Mother said.

"Please, Princess Julie is plenty, Your Highness," she replied and my two elder brothers led her away.

"Charles and Alexander, please show Miss Evan to her room also. That is all."

"Charles we will talk more about what happened at lunch later," Father spoke.

"Of course, Father," I responded as the responsible, perfect in every way son would.

My parents walked off. I hate it that they never forget anything.

I sigh and lean against the wall. Why of all the people in the world I had to be stuck with this girl? Thank god, I'm not the one who has to solve this puzzle of a chick.

"So?" she asks.


Alexander leans over and whispers, "I think she means, when are we going to take her to her room."

"Oh, just follow kid," I say and fully expect a retort, but find none came. Alex tried to make, small talk, for lack of a better word, but he was asking big questions that are hard to answer.

"What do you want to do when you grow up?"

"I haven't thought about it. I grew up to quickly to have many childhood fantasies." That's all her answer was. Too straight forward of an answer, if you ask me. Not that we've had many fantasies of our own. Most kids dream about being royalty... Well, I just happen to be one.

One would think ,"What more would a kid want?" Trust me, how about privacy!

"Here we are, Evan," I said and opened the door.

"You always mispronounce my name. Get it right," the girl said before closing the door in my face.

"Evan!" I shouted through the closed door. "Dinner will be-"

"Shut up and go away! You've done your job," she interrupted.

"The devils be damned and let him finish!" Alex screamed.

My eyes widened.

"What? Dad says it all the time."

"I, I know."


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