54- Furthermore

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We got to her room and I opened the door to let her in. I grabbed her backpack, but she didn't let go until she put it down herself, inside her door and I left it there and closed the door behind us. In the bag, I had put her prescription in, so after pulling it out, I set it on the nightstand next to her and the disappeared into the bathroom. 

"No, no. I can do that," she said tired. 

"Even I can do this." I reached up into one of the cabinets to grab a glass, then filled it with tap water, I hope she wouldn't mind. I shoved each item, one in each hand and commanded, "Take it." She, to my surprise, was obedient. Her eyes were sagging and trying to stay awake. "Sleep." Her eyes fluttered close.

I looked at her tired face and saw light eyelashes that shaded her darker circles. The covers revealed her body and I pulled a blanket over her. I sat down next to the bed and laid my head in my hands. I closed my eyes, just to rest them for a moment...

Beep, beep... Beep, beep... Beep, beep... I  groaned, and tapped my watch to stop it, I'm glad I set it. "Shit." 

"What are you still doing here?"

My eyes opened wide, "Umm, we need to get going. We have to both be at dinner." I shook out my hair and finger combed it back. "And you can't wear that." I glanced at what I had brought her, it would not do. I found her closet at the back of the room and flicked on the light. My eyes scanned the rows of clothes. I found a dress with an open back. I pulled the dress out. "This shouldn't irritate your back."

She gave me a blank stare, "Never in hell am I wearing that. I'm not going to show off the bandages." 

"We don't have time to argue," I begged.

She limped over to the closet and I winced for her. She shook a formal long sundress down from the hanger instead. "This is light enough it shouldn't bother me either."

"Fine, whatever, just put it on quickly."

"As soon as  you leave the room."

"Right, and l-let me know, if you need any help." I backed out of the room haphazardly. I paced back and forth in the hall and ran my hands through my hair, then smoothed it out a lot. I leaned against the wall. My hand drummed on my leg. 

The door opened and I jumped a little bit. "For one, pretty and two, let's go." I strode ahead, then stopped and slowed. I led her through the hall. She glanced about. She had recently started to find her way around the Castle, but she still gets lost sometimes. We stopped outside the great oaken doors of the dinning hall. "Okay, don't speak unless you are spoken to, be positive, smile, umm... Be polite, no teasing comments, umm..."I rambled.

"Everything will be fine," she snapped.

"I just, don't want any-more trouble."

"Okay, well here goes nothing," she whispered.

I glanced around the room and saw that we were first. I pulled her chair out and the doors could be heard opening. The others waltzed in.

"Are you sure she should even be upright, Char?" Mason told me sarcastically.

"Glad for your concern, but she is-" I started.

"I can speak."

"-fine," and finished. "As you can now tell." My face tightened and lips whitened with pressure. I sat down in a seat and hissed, "I thought there would be no trouble!"

"Was there?" 

Everyone had started to settle and Mother and Father walked into the chamber. We stood with them and sat like always.

I spoke minimally as I normally do. I felt some jibes my way from a few comments.

"This carp's seasoning it not as tasty as last time. Did the chef change?" Mother asked.

"I do not recollect being notified of a change of staff."

"It's not a big deal," Alex cut in. "It tastes the same to me."

The carp was normal, just like Alex said. It was flavorful like normal, but not overdone.

 Then, I heard the silent girl, who was supposed to be pretending to not exist, speak, "May I request permission to not come to your dinners?"

"No," the Queen spoke.

"May I inquire why?" she prodded.

"Are you questioning us?" my mother said regally.

"No, but I am asking for a reason," she persisted.

My eyes narrowed as she toed the red line. Does she not realize her place? I learned mine ages ago. You do not speak here, unless spoken too, unless you are Alex or Mason or my parents of course.

"What if we were concerned about your safety? You are a ward of this nation after all."

Yeah right, more like you want to keep me under lock and key, because I have an attachment to our subjects that no one understands. I can take some ridicule without lashing out, unlike our current rulers...

"I don't buy it."

"Buy what?"

"Figure of speech, never mind." She stopped her words and focused on her hands in her lap, where the buttons on her sleeve surrounded her forearms. I hadn't really looked at her dress, but it looked spectacular on her. The green and purple highlighted her natural look. The last course arrived, which she didn't touch, despite it being the dessert. No one wants to skip desserts around here.

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