1.Another day

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Devin's P.O.V

Light rays of light shined through my bedroom window hitting my back. It was another hot summer morning. Or another day that I had to go through with no reason whatsoever.
I rolled a few times in bed before sitting up and facing the empty wall in front of me. I rubbed my eyes as I got out of bed and walked down the hall, into the small bathroom. It was 8 in the morning and a Friday, the end of the week. Finally. I thought as I turned the faucet on and washed my face with cold water. After doing everything that had to be done in there I walked back to my bedroom and stood in front of my large closet.
After a few minutes I finally decided to put this on and just let my hair the way it was. My hair was naturally straight but I had dyed it black. It was originally light brown but I changed everything about my looks.
I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to the empty living room. My aunt was at work like always, leaving me to my self. I took my car keys from the kitchen counter and walked out of the house, locking the front door. I walked down the rocky path of our front lawn and to the sidewalk where my car was parked. 
My car: black and shiny. Just like everything else in my life is lately.   
It sort of sucked being an only kid in the family but what could I do about that. It was too late for any changes like that anyways.
I got in my car, putting the keys in ignition and started driving. The sun hit my eyes so I took my sunglasses and put them on. I rolled the window down and turned the radio up just like I always did. This was how I liked to drive, there was no better way. So many different sights were appearing out of my window, I saw most of them almost every day: People walking around in shops, others rushing to work and kids running around like crazy because of summer vacation.
I smiled a little, remembering that I would be going on summer break from work next week. So it was my last day at work for quite some time. 
The wind hit my hair and made it twirl all around my face as I was driving pretty fast. After some time I finally reached where I need to go; work. I parked the car in my usual parking spot behind the building and got out of the car. I locked the doors and made my way to the front door. 
The clothing store was pretty small and nothing special in it. All the clothes were mainly casual it was something like Abercrombie or Holister. 
The front door was open as the summer heat was taking over all the air. It probably wasn't a good idea to have the air conditioner on with the door open at the same time but my so called 'manager' thought it was perfect like that.
I walked in and went to my spot at the cashier where Claire; my manager was waiting. You see Claire was only 22 years old and this was her store. Her family was filthy rich so they gave her daughter her own store.
"Oh finally you came." She said with a smile as she left the cashier. "I'll be in the office if you need me." She said and skipped off to the back of the room.
I stood in my place and saw Kristen, my only friend come into view with her arms crossed and shaking her head while holding back a laugh. She worked here also by just helping any of the customers out and putting all the new items into their places. 
"She's driven me nuts today already." She came closer up to my desk. "Put this here, put that there, this is in the wrong place blah blah blah." She giggled.
Kristen was more of the happy type, unlike me. I had my laughs every once in a while but most of the time I kept my face serious. Oh and by the way this is how Kristen looks: 

Just then a customer walked into the store looking around. That's where Kristen's job came in; she left the desk and went to assist the young woman that had just walked in. 
I sighed lightly and went to work counting all the sales that we had made in the past week. 
Time passed quickly and luckily both our shifts ended at the same time. It was already 4pm and we were setting to leave the store already.
"Bye Claire." We said and waved as we walked out of the front door. Now it's time for some fun.

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