8.Good morning

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   I woke up in the morning, blinking my eyes a few times and found myself on the floor. I rolled around a little to see that I had fallen asleep on Jared's chest last night.

What the hell happened last night? I thought in my mind as I held my head that was pounding a little.

  I sat up on the ground and Jared woke up from my moving around as well. He blinked a few times as well before turning to look at me.

"Good morning," he said.

"Same to you," I nodded my head as I stared at him.

    He sat up and faced me as well. I looked across the floor at my high heels that were both next to each other. I slowly took them and put them on, as I didn't have any intention of carrying them around with me. I stood up and noticed that all of my clothes were in place so I wasn't too drunk last night, though I can't remember much either way. 

"Might want to explain to me what happened here last night?"

"Look, I'm sorry about that. I guess I sort of lost control," he said taking his jacket off so he was only in his jeans and light grey T-shirt. 

"It's okay, I guess you really were better than that other guy."

   He grinned idiotically for a moment then it faded.

"It's not the only thing I'm good at," he grinned again, flashing his teeth before going to open the door of the bedroom that was closed.

"Whose house did we fall asleep in anyways?" I asked following behind him.

"It's alright, I know these people. They're really close friends of mine."

   As we walked I noticed that there were more people passed out in the halls and rooms as well. I sighed once with relief knowing that we weren't the only ones here. 

  We walked together until we were out of the building, that's when I noticed that we were still somewhere in between the alleys. I picked up my phone that I'd had in my clutch and dialed Kristen's number.

Ring....ring....ring.... but there was no answer. I sighed and put it back into my clutch. I didn't see her anywhere inside. I really hoped that she hadn't gotten lost or anything.

"Could you, umm at least walk me back to my car?" I asked and Jared looked at me now.

"Yeah sure," was all he said and started walking through the alley between the buildings.

"I would go myself but being dressed like this and all, I don't want to get raped." 

  He just chuckled and we kept on walking until the end. I soon saw my car parked in the same place that I left it last night. I kind of walked faster when I saw it and opened the door right away smiling and got in. I put the key in and rolled my window down as Jared bent down by my window.

"Thanks again for..." I didn't know what to say exactly. "Everything?"

"I could say the same, well drive safely."

I nodded. 

"But before you go, I'd like to take you somewhere tonight that is if you would agree?"

"Where to exactly?" I asked putting my seat belt on.

"Well, I'm going out of town tomorrow for a few days so I'd like to go to the movies."

"Yeah, I guess I see no harm in that." I pulled open my clutch to take a piece of paper to write my address but he just stopped me.

"I'll be there at 6:3o then,"

"But, wait let me give you my address-"

"I know where to come," he just said.


"I just do," he said with that scary smile he had and pulled away from my window.

"Okay..." I just said and started to drive back onto the street, driving back home.

   It was a long way home in a way but I could see everything much clearly since it was day time. I parked in front of our garage and came out, going inside the house.

"Good day to you missy," my aunt said.

"Hiya," I said and closed the door behind me about to go upstairs.

"Did you decide to hook up with someone again. I'm guessing that's the reason why you didn't come home last night?" 

"You know me too well." I grinned and walked upstairs to my room.

   I loved how my aunt kind of acted my age in a way, she wasn't too strict but always cared for me if I had a bad time.

  Anyways, I walked inside my room and caught sight of myself in the mirror. Damn, my hair was a mess. Instead of combing it I just went straight to the bathroom. Might as well start getting ready so I won't have to do it later in a rush. I thought and turned the hot water on. 

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