9.Double date?

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Devin's P.O.V

   Finally, after a few hours I was ready and sitting on my bed playing a game on my phone. I hadn't really put much effort into getting too dressed up so I just changed into something like this. After all we were just going to the movies right? My hair was put up into a messy bun because for some reason I've been having a terrible hair day today. It was worse when I woke up after the party and even when I took a shower and tried to straighten it out, it was still going crazy.

  Soon, in the middle of my game I got a phone call. 

Damn it, who is ruining my new record here?!

I looked once at the caller ID, Jared.

I sighed and picked it up. We had swapped numbers somewhere through last night.

"Hi," I said simply.

"Are you ready?" He asked.


"Alright, I'll be over in 2 minutes."

"Okay," I just said and hung up. 

   I put my phone in my shorts pocket and slowly went downstairs. Just when I reached the final step, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it! It's probably Jared," I yelled and went to open the front door of the house. My aunt was in the kitchen but I heard her footsteps come into this room.

"Hey, should we get going?"

"Yeah sure," I said and turned to see my aunt behind me.

"Well your going already?" She asked and I nodded. "Well have a good time and please come home tonight will ya?"

I just laughed and took my slouched black handbag from the counter. My aunt knew everything about Jared, I'd told her about how we met and everything. 

  Jared took a step inside and waited by the door as I took one quick look at myself in the mirror before going to stand by his side. 

"Well we're off," I said but then I noticed my aunt shaking a little bit in front of us. "Umm, aunt Mary is something wrong?" I asked.

   Her eyes were frozen on Jared. I started snapping my fingers in front of her. "Is something wrong?" I asked again, getting worried.

  A few seconds later she snapped out of it and shook her head. "Just be careful Devin," she said simply and went back into the kitchen. Well that was awkward. I thought as we went out of the house.

Jared's P.O.V

  Oh well the joy in that! I was having an argument in my head. Why was she looking at me like that? You don't think she remembered me? Oh come on after all those years how could she? I think she just misplaced me with someone else. I mean I remember her being there but we were all in masks there is no way she cold possibly think that I was the guy from that time. 

"Umm, sorry about my aunt back there. I really don't know what went through her," Devin said cutting my thoughts off.

"It's okay, I'm sure it was nothing." I smiled weakly as I opened the passenger seat of the car for her. She sat in and I closed the door before going to my own side of the car. All that matters now is Devin, she's going to be mine some day no matter what. I just had to keep her on my side and not let her to listen to what her aunt would say, because after tonight I was sure that she would fill Devin's head with some nonsense about me. 

   I started the car and was driving to the movie theater that I went to the most.

If only we had just left 2 seconds earlier I wouldn't be in this shitty situation now! Stupid Jared, I hate these stupid consequences that love effects you with. 

   I tried to snap out of that thought now and took a glance at Devin that was looking out of the car window. She tapped her fingers on her lap to the beat of the song that was playing on the radio.

  Soon, we arrived in the parking lot of the movie theater. I took the car keys out after parking and went over to open her door. She stepped out and we walked together to the entrance of the building. It was surprisingly full today but I guess it was all just for that new movie that had came out yesterday. 

  "So what should we watch?" She asked looking up at the board with different movies and times next to them. 

"Anything that you want."

"I haven't been to the movies in ages, so I don't know what's good."

"How about a horror film? It starts in 1o minutes." I said.

"Sounds good, as long it's not something all lovey-dovey."

"So you like horror?" I asked as I payed for two tickets by the booth.

"Yeah, don't think that I'm into all of those girly romance movies."

"I know your tough but I've heard this movie scares just about anyone." 

"I doubt that," she smirked and we went inside the main lobby. 

   We got in line for snacks and took a good 5 minutes deciding what to get. We ended up with An extra large popcorn, two large cups of coke, and a bag of sour candy worms. I paid for everything being the gentleman that I am and we were walking upstairs to the room where the movie was going to be played. Just before walking in I heard someone yelling Devin's name from behind.

"OMG Devin!" I knew that voice anywhere. I mentally rolled my eyes and turned to see Devin run up to Kristen and attack her in a hug.

"What are you doing here?" she asked Kristen who didn't seem to be here alone.

"I'm here on a date with someone who I met at the party. Devin meet Lucas, Lucas meet Devin." She giggled as they introduced each other. 

"It's nice to meet you too Lucas," she said with a smile before turning back to Kristen. "And where have you been all day! I've been calling you since morning.

"Oh, I turned my phone off but I was with Lucas the whole day. Sorry about that." 

"Don't scare me like that again," Devin said laughing.

"Trust me I won't, so I see your here with Jared. Don't tell me you guys are here to watch "The gore 3" Are you?!"

"Umm, actually we are."

"Omg we are too, want to have a double date with each other."

"Krist, we're not really on a date," she said scratching the back of her neck.

"Of course you are! Now let's go it's about to start." She pulled her inside and I walked in too, with Lucas.

Screw my life...

A/N: hey all! I updated this long chapter in for you guys. I don't know if there really is a "The gore 3" I just made that up. Sorry if there's not much detail I'm still sick and can't go too much in detail today :(((( Anyways hope you liked it! 

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