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Jared's P.O.V

   Two weeks had passed already since the day that I brought Devin to meet Mike, Kat and Daylin. To my surprise everything went much better than I thought it would. I just couldn't let this continue any longer; I had to tell Devin the truth and only pray that she wouldn't tell anyone and understand. 

   It was great to see her spending more time with the girls and it really helped her get her mind off of Kristen who she still hadn't made up with. Luckily, that Lucas jerk has been keeping a distance from her ever since that day in Starbucks. Let him dare to come near her again after this. 

   I looked at my hands turn into fists in front of me as I was sitting in my car. I was waiting for Devin to come and we could go on our date that I organized in the park a few blocks down, I wanted us to have a picnic and thought that was the best time for me to tell her the news.

   My thoughts were interrupted when I saw her come inside and sit in the passenger seat. 

"Hey!" she said and leaned in for a kiss. I kissed her back before sitting up again.

"Hey, someone seems to be a little overexcited today."

"You guessed right," she said and buckled her seat belt. 

"Did you hear some good news?"

   She just shook her head as I started driving. "Nope, I guess I just woke up feeling like this."

"That's great then," I said, the corners of my lips forming a smile.

"Yes, haven't listened to this song in ages!" she said turning the volume of the radio up. She started singing along to the song. 

   I chuckled listening to her sing and make moves with her arms in the air as if she was dancing. 

It didn't take long and we were already at the park. I went to the back of the car to take out the large basket and took it with me. She took out the blanket that was right next to it and we walked around the park looking for a shady tree to sit under.

  To our surprise it was actually full today because it was a Sunday so it took approximately another 10 minutes until we found a decent spot a little to back where there weren't any people. She spread it down on the fresh grass and sat down right away. I put the basket down and she started emptying out all of the items. I had bought a few boxes of sandwiches,  chips, a bowl of salad and a large bottle of lemonade. 

"I can't believe that I have to go back to work next week," she said with a pout as she finished her salad.

"I think it's bad because you have to see Kristen again, aren't I right?"

   She just nodded, not looking into my eyes.

"I don't know what I'm going to do when I see her. At first I thought it was a small mood change, that we would be great again the next day but I guess she has no intention to be with me again." She sighed and put the empty bowl in the basket, taking a sip of lemonade. I was finished eating over 10 minutes ago.

"I'm sure Lucas is just hypnotizing her or something, she'll get over it."

"But when?"

"I don't know we just have to wait and see."

   We soon cleaned everything up and were laying down on the blanket staring up at the sky. She had her head on my chest as my ran my fingers through her smooth, black hair. We watched as the clouds passed by in silence, well there still were the screaming of children from the playground nearby.

"Devin can I tell you something?"

"Again? You seem to have a habit of telling me your secrets in parks." She chuckled and sat up, looking at me. "Tell me."

"I guess this is the only place where I really can," I said sitting up and moved the hair away from her face.

"Tell me," she pleaded.

"Just promise me you won't get mad and you'll believe me on this,"

"Depends what it is," she smiled.

"I'm serious."

"I'll try my best."

"And you won't tell anyone."

"Is it something bad?" 

"I don't know." Big lie, of course it was bad it was too bad.

"Just tell me I promise."

   I took a deep breathe and exhaled, looking into her eyes. I knew that she wasn't going to believe me nor was she going to understand but I'd rather her know now than find out later from someone else. It can't really be that bad, can it?

"Look Devin-"

   She cut me off. "Don't tell me your breaking up with me?" 

I laughed and shook my head. "No, I'm not planning on that ever." I leaned in and kissed her forehead once.

   I watched her sigh with relief. "Good, continue."

"Okay so you know how you said your mom was killed a few years ago by a group of killers that your aunt told you about?"

"Umm, yeah?"

"Look, I don't know how to say this," I took both of her hands in mine. "Devin, I'm not going to lie to you and I'm telling you this because I love you and want to trust you as well. I know everything about you Devin Miller, I've known you since high school but you never saw me. I saw you on my way home one time and I never stopped coming to your house and parking in front of it for hours just to see your face and smile; it was like love at first sight." I took a pause. "I'm apart of the Masquerade, I was there when they killed your mother. I'm second in charge and yes the whole country is looking for me and the others. I didn't know it was your mother at first but once I knew I didn't let them touch your aunt so she was able to run away. Lexi, the leader was going to have you killed too but I didn't let them. I told them to give me time if you loved me back they can't touch you," I said in a whole breathe and touched her face gently. Her eyes seemed to be frozen on my face. 

   "I just couldn't hold this in any longer, I had to tell you. Please tell me you understand." I shook her gently but there was nothing. "Devin please speak it's killing me inside here," I watched as a single tear made it's way down her cheek.

"Y-you're kidding right?" she said stuttering. 

   I shook my head and wiped the tear, pulling her in for a hug but she just pushed me away. 

"So my aunt was right when she thought something was suspicious. Y-you are a killer, a monster Jared and to think that I've spent all this time with you." She stood up rubbing her eyes, I stood up too.

"Don't you think it'd be much worse if you found out later from someone else?"

"So are the others apart of your gang too?" she asked completely ignoring my question.

"Yes and there still are more that you haven't met."

"I never want to see you again Jared, just leave me alone," she barely mumbled with the tears pouring out of her eyes like a waterfall. The next thing I notice, she's running across the park in a fast speed. I didn't bother running after her, I knew she needed time to be alone and let the thoughts come into her. I would go visit her again tonight, I wasn't going to let this end this way.

   I hit the tree next to me and mumbled under my breathe.

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