Chapter 33: Final Attempt

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          Walking into the shop in the early afternoon, he walks to his office and sits down. Javier following behind. 

           Liam turns and sees his friend behind him. "What?" he smirks.

           "Nothing," he shakes his head, going back to the blueprints on the table.

          Liam pulls out his phone, unlocking it and hovering over Sloane's name. Taking a deep breath, he pushes the green phone icon. 

          "Hello?" he hears Sloane's voice on the other end.

          Liam caught off guard that she answered. "Oh, hey, what are you doing?"

          "I'm getting my hair done."

           "Do you want to get some lunch?" he asks, looking at the time on his computer.

          "Liam, I'm getting married at four."

          "It's only eleven forty-five."

          "It's not the time," she sighs.

          "Come on Sloane. Lunch isn't going to hurt you."

          He hears her sigh on the other end before finally speaking. "Fine. Make it twelve-thirty at that diner you took me to a while back, and I will see you then," the phone call ends before Liam can answer. 

          Liam steps into the diner. The old school set up taking over and red booths lining both sides of the walls. He looks up and sees Sloane sitting in a booth. He notices her hair is curly with a few glittered pearls throughout it.

          "Nice hair," Liam smirks, kissing her cheek and taking a seat across from her.

          "Yeah, thanks." 

          "So, you're getting married to him huh? You are really going through with that?"

           "I told you I was marrying him months ago. That decision hasn't changed."

          "And I still can't do anything to change your mind?"

          "Liam, don't," she says softly. "What am I even doing here? Huh?"

           "Well, since you're getting married on me, this will be our last shindig before you get married."

          "Liam, nothing is going to happen now. I'm done with, whatever this was or is."

          "I mean, do you even want to marry him? Because sometimes I feel like you're just going through the motions and making your dad happy."

          "I want to marry him because I love him. You know that because I've told you that. Nobody is influencing me."          

          "I think you're just telling me that and you keep telling yourself that till you actually start to believe it."

          "Why would you even say that? Do you think before you speak? Who do you even think you are?" Sloane fires.

          "A guy that you like and don't want to disappoint your dad because I'm nothing like Eric. I'm the complete opposite."

          "Liam, don't you dare. You don't know Eric. You think you do, but you don't."

          "I don't want to get to know him. I know he has money. I know he's probably involved in some country club or shit like that."

          "I'm with him. I've been with him for years, way before I met you. I love him."                    

          "Sloane, I just don't want you to marry this guy and then realize you've made a huge mistake."

          "Why would it be a mistake? Because I'm not with you?"

          "Goddammit Sloane, I didn't say that. I told you from day one of my feelings for you. I haven't felt like that in a long time. You're beautiful. You're smart. You're funny."          

          "And he's handsome, smart, sweet," Sloane trails off.

           "And what am I? Ugly, stupid, and an asshole?"

          "You are handsome, smart, and sweet as well."

           "Okay," Liam smiles.

          "Why did you want to have lunch?"

          "Because quite frankly, after you get married, or whatever the hell it is that you're doing today, I don't want to see you again," Liam blurts out, swallowing hard. 

          She swallows hard, taking a few dollars out of her purse and tossing the bills on the table. She says nothing, walking out. Liam gets his food to go.

          Sweet Kay walks over.

          "Why so down baby?" she asks.

           "Hey Kay. Nothing, the girl I'm falling for is getting married today."

           "Ouch sugar, that hurts."

           "Yeah and I just blew it by what I just said to her."

           Kay pats his shoulder. "You always did have a way with words."

           Liam smiles as Kay walks away, waiting for his food.

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