Chapter 38: You're Fired

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          A few hours later, Kyle finally shows up for work. Liam, of course, taking notice. He strides over to Kyle, noticing three scratches down his neck.

          "Hey Kyle," Liam calls.

         "Hmm?" Kyle looks up from a blueprint.

         "Can you follow me for a second?" Liam nods to the open garage door and outside.

         "What's up?" he asks. Javier watching.

         "I'm not gonna fire you even though I really really want to because I know you need the money, but if you ever lay your hands on Sloane, I swear to God you're finished."

          "You don't have shit on me," Kyle laughs.

           "She paints a pretty graphic story, Kyle."

           No comment, but a smirk takes over his face. 

          "You know what? Pack your shit up and leave."

          "Bitch is a liar," Kyle smirks. "You can't fire me."

           "What time did I tell you to be here Kyle?" Liam asks. Kyle two hours late.

           "I called and said I was going to be late."

           "Who did you call because I didn't get that phone call? This isn't the first time you've been late, and you know it..."

           "I told Darnell I was going to be late. You know what? Whatever," Kyle says going back inside.

           "Darnell didn't tell me, and he's not the owner or your boss," Liam says.

          "So go drill him then."

          Liam walks back in, walking over to Darnell, knowing he'll be honest. "Hey D, did Kyle text you this morning?"

         "No, but he called like twenty minutes into work and said he was going to be late."

         "Hear that Kyle? You were still late."

           "So what? Everyone's always late."

           "But you're always late man. Go, Kyle. You're no longer employed here," Liam says walking to his office.

           "You're making a big mistake," Kyle mumbles, walking out.

           Liam shuts the door and begins his search for a different lawyer. 

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