Chapter 61: First Fight

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          Danielle is watching Mackenzie so Liam can go to the store to get the necessities for Mackenzie's party. He walks through the grocery store, seeing Hope coming from the opposite way.

           "Hey," Liam smiles. "How are you?"

          "I'm good. How's Mackenzie?"

          "She's great. Her first birthday is on Saturday."

          "Aw, that's sweet. I bet she's adorable," Hope smiles.

           "Speaking of that, do you wanna come by tomorrow?" Liam invites.

          "I wish I could. I have to work tomorrow. Otherwise, I would have. Wish her Happy Birthday for me."

          "I will. Thanks, Hope. How's Sloane?"

          "I haven't really seen her. She's usually with Eric."

          Liam nods, "I can't believe she married that bastard."

          "They've been together a long time. I guess the kid just sealed the deal."

          "I don't think it's his," Liam smirks.

          "You don't know that," Hope smiles.

          "Well, I think it's mine. Unless she was lying to me and sleeping with Eric when we were together which, to be honest, I can't put it past her since that's what she did to him."

          "They were still sleeping together when she was with you," Hope informs Liam.

          "Yeah figured. She was never with me like I was with her. I get it," Liam laughs. "Well, Hope I'll see you around okay? I'll tell Mackenzie Happy Birthday for you."

          Sloane walks into her old apartment she shared with Hope, Hope's fiancé replacing her and heading to her old room to get the last couple bags.

          "Hey, how are you feeling?" Hope asks.

          "I'm alright."

          Hope leans against the door frame, "I saw Liam today."  

          "Yeah?" Sloane putting the last few things from her dresser into a bag.

          "Yeah. You didn't tell him you were hooking up with Eric too when you guys were together?"

           "It's not really hooking up with Eric. I was engaged to Eric."

          "That guy loves you, was willing to do anything for you and you were kind of a bitch Sloane."

          "Shut up Hope. I don't have time for this."

          "Sloane, why are you letting Eric walk all over you?"

          "What? I'm not."

          "Who's baby is it Sloane?"

          "What?" Sloane looks at her.

           "Is it Liam's or Eric's?"

           "I know what you meant. I don't know."

          Hope smirks, beginning to walk away.

          "What the hell?" Sloane looks at Hope.  

          "What?" Hope turns around. "He asked about you today, and he's still so in love with you, but I don't know why."

           "I don't know why either. I told him it was over."

           "You can't tell me you don't have feelings for him. He's way better than Eric. Does Liam ever lay a hand on you? Huh? Remember when you told Eric you were pregnant? How did he react Sloane?" Hope says.

           "Why are you fighting for him? Just let it go Hope."

           "Because he's not an ass to you. He's a good human being, and you're throwing him aside for a scumbag."

          "I love Eric," Sloane says quietly.

          "You love Liam too. You better figure that out. Mackenzie is turning one by the way on Saturday. He's having a birthday party if you want to make an appearance."

          "I'm fine. Thanks," Sloane says grabbing her stuff and walking past Hope.

          Hope watches her best friend walk out of the house, the first fight they've ever gotten into.

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