Chapter 68: Heart Drops

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          A little while later, the nurse comes back, wheeling in a small bed and puts Mackenzie next to him.

          "Thank you so much," Liam says, the nurse nodding and walking out as Danielle walks in. She sees Mackenzie.

           "Thank god," tears forming in her eyes.

          "Yeah thank god is right."

           "What did the doctors say?"'

           "She's gonna be fine."

          "Amazing," Danielle smiles.

           "Yeah," he nods. Danielle picking her up.

          "Don't think about her Liam," Danielle says, holding her niece close to her.

          He sighs. "That could be my baby."

          "Liam, you don't know," she shifts Mackenzie to her other arm. She hands Mackenzie back to Liam. Mackenzie fitting perfectly.

          "It's worth talking to her about it," Liam says, rocking his daughter.

          "No one told you?"

          "No one told me what?"

          "Shit," Danielle mutters, running her hand over her face. "Her daughter didn't make it. She passed away yesterday."

          "What?" Liam says. He hits the nurse button.

          "Liam..." she sighs when he hits the button. The nurse comes in a few minutes later.

          "What's wrong?" the nurse asks.

          "Can you take me down to Sloane Hawkins's room?" handing the little girl back to Danielle.

           The nurse nods, wheeling him down to her room on the fifth floor, opening the door he sees Sloane on her side on the bed. She's still in her gown, curled up under the blankets—the room dark. The nurse leaves him as he stands up, using a crutch to move over to her bed. He sits down. She doesn't roll over or even move.

          "Go away Liam," she says softly.

          He can't help but smile. "Nope," he says, leaning against the wall.

          "I don't want to see anyone."

          "I'm sorry Sloane," he says softly, sliding a hand on her side and rubbing it.

          "I know."

          Taking a deep breath and letting it out, he leans over and kisses her cheek before getting off the bed and moving to the wheelchair. Liam opens the door.

          "Yours..." Sloane says quietly. He closes his eyes and turns back to Sloane, wheeling himself back over as he gets back up and sits down on the bed again. "It all should have been yours. Her, me, us," Sloane sighs, still not turning around.

          "Ssh it's okay," Liam moves a little on the bed and sliding his arms around her—kissing the back of her shoulder.

          "It's not okay," Sloane sighs, sniffling and crying through her words. "You didn't get to see her. You didn't get to hold her."

           "I'm here," he says quietly, kissing her shoulder a couple more times and holding her closer. "I'm not going anywhere even if you tell me to leave."

           The door opens. "What the hell?"

           "Great," Liam mumbles getting up. "What?"

           "What the hell are you doing here?"

           "Comforting the mother of my child."

           "Bullshit," Eric laughs, "Get the hell out of here. You think now that she doesn't have MY kid she's going to crawl back into your bed? Screw you man," he steps out of the door. "Security!"

          "Get over yourself bro. She needs somebody to be there for her. She just lost a child. Don't be an ass and leave her."

           "Get away from my wife," Eric walks towards him. "If you think she's getting back with you, you are dumber than I thought you were. I know she did. It was my child too remember? Now get the hell out before I have you arrested and get your ass thrown in jail again."

          "You still beating her Eric?" Liam asks, sitting in the wheelchair as he starts to leave.

            "Come near her again, and it'll break in half next time," Eric says quietly, so only he can hear. "See if your little girl survives that one."

          Liam's heart drops. "It was you," he says softly, seeing the bandage on his head and the scrapes on his knuckles. A nurse walking in and wheeling Liam out of the room and back to Mackenzie's.

          "What happened?" Danielle asks when he's wheeled back in, Mackenzie laying across her lap sleeping.

          "Eric hit me," he swallows hard.

          "Wait what? Right now?"

          "No. He was the one who hit me in my accident and left the scene."

          "Liam, you don't know that, and you can't prove that."

          "Before I left Sloane's room he said 'if you come near her I'll break it in half next time. See if you're little girl survives that one,'" Liam swallows hard.

          "Please stay away from him and her."

          He takes Mackenzie from her even though she's asleep before sitting down in the rocking chair holding her against him. He rocks her back to sleep.

          "Your little girl's life isn't worth that. I know you love her, but please, just don't."

           "It was mine by the way."


          "Sloane's baby. It was mine."

          "You don't know that either Liam," his sister sighs.

          "She told me..."

          "She says a lot of things. Please, just, move on. You have Mackenzie, me, Gracie, Alek. Please Liam," she begs.

          "Okay," he nods.

          "Liam promises me."

          "I promise Danielle."

          "I'll come to get you and Mac tomorrow okay?"

          "Okay," he nods and watches his sister leave.

           "How's our little princess?" a nurse walks in, checking on Mackenzie.

          "She's doing well. She's been sleeping a lot. That's expected, right?"

          "Definitely. Little thing has been through a lot. You're free to take her home tomorrow, but she'll have to go in to see her pediatrician every few weeks for a little while."

          "Thank you so much."

           "You have quite the little fighter here."

           "Hmm, I wonder who she gets that from."

          "I can only guess," she smiles sliding her hand down his arm flirtatiously.

          "Thanks," Liam nods as she leaves.

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