Chapter 10: Crashing The Gala

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          Liam gets home and takes a shower before sitting on the couch hearing Gunner in the other room. He hears about a gala going on that night at one of the fanciest hotels in town, all the cities upper class going. Liam looks over as Gunner trots in, a purple undergarment hanging in his mouth—Sloane's underwear from two months ago. Gunner drops them in his lap.

          "Thanks, man," Liam laughs, scratching Gunner's ears.

           Gunner sits down in front of Liam on the hardwood floor, beginning to bark.

          "What dude?" Liam laughs. The dog barks once again. He jumps up on the couch and nuzzles Liam, lying across his human with his paws on Sloane's underwear. "Okay we're gonna move these," Liam smiles, setting them on the table beside the couch.

         Gunner growls a little before barking once more.

          "You're insane," Liam laughs.


           Leaning on her hand, Sloane swirls the ice around in her drink with her straw. Eric still missing. She hears murmurs, looking up. 

          "You look a little lonely," Liam says softly, his hands in his pockets.

           "You look fancy," Sloane smiles. "But, how did you get in here? This is a private event."

          "Thank you. I like to think I clean up nicely sometimes. Where's suits?" Liam asks, ignoring her question.

          "What are you doing here?" Mr. Hawkins steps up, glaring at Liam.

           "I'm just enjoying the night sir," Liam smirks.

          "How did you even get in here?"

          "I know some people," Liam smiles.

          "You can go know other people," her dad says sternly.

          "Daddy, he just came to say hi because Eric hasn't shown up."

          "I'm not bothering anybody sir," Liam smiles.

         Her dad walks away. 

         "Want to sit?" Sloane asks, looking at her empty table.

          "Yeah. Can I get you another drink?"

          "Surprise me," Sloane smiles, taking off her heels under the table.

          "What did you have?" Liam asks, taking Sloane's empty glass.

          "Doesn't matter. I'll try something different."

         "Okay," Liam winks at her before walking to the bar. A few minutes later, he walks over with two drinks.

          "What are you doing here?" Sloane smiles, taking a sip of her drink.

          "I got nothing better to do and..." Liam answers, reaching into his pocket, "Gunner brought these to me earlier," Liam shows Sloane her underwear.

          "Well thank you for returning them," she smiles. "I am going to ask again, how did you get in?"

         "I know the security guard."

          "Of course you do," Sloane laughs. "Really, why did you come?"

          "To be honest, I don't know," Liam laughs. "It sounded like a good idea."

          "Did it meet all your expectations?"

          "I don't go to shit like this, so I don't have any expectations. This isn't even my suit."

          "I know."

          "Oh you know huh?"

          "You're about to hulk out of it, and the pants are three inches too short."

           "You still think I'm hot, so it's okay," Liam laughs, taking a sip of his beer and looking at all the people.

          "Shut up," Sloane rolling her eyes, her foot running up and down his leg under the table. "Scared?" she asks.

          "Why would I be scared?" he looks on confused, leaning back in his chair. 

           Sloane nods over to her dad who is watching over them.

          "Honey, I'm not scared of your dad."

          "Well, you should probably be a little bit."

           "And why is that?"

          "He has a lot of power in this city."

          "As I said, he doesn't scare me. You don't know a lot about me, Sloane."

          "So tell me," Sloane says bluntly.

          "I don't think this place is the right setting to tell you."

          She looks at him oddly.

          "Do you really want to know?"

          Sloane nods.

          "Um hey?" Eric interrupts.

         "Hey..." Sloane smiles.

          "You must be Eric," Liam standing up. "I'm Liam," holding out his hand.

          Eric eyes him up and down, him in an expensive black suit. "Charmed," Eric nods, looking over at Sloane. "Sweetheart let's go. I have to talk to some people who want to meet you."

          Looking down, Eric 5'9 to Liam's 6'4, he laughs a little. "Have a good night Sloane," Liam winks, beginning to walk away.

          He feels a hand on his shoulder, turning him around. "Construction workers don't mingle with the upper class," Eric says loud enough that a good number of people around them hear.

          Liam nods his head, keeping his temper down. "At least construction people aren't assholes," Liam smiles. "Have a good night Sloane," he walks out. 

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