Prologue/Chapter 1

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A breeze went by the inhabitants of the planet Gamor. Then another. Heads looked towards the source of the shifting wind in curiosity. A chase was going on, and no one dared to interrupt, for eyes of all shapes and sizes recognized the armour in the glimmering night. Naxia Kenndar wore this apparel, and was one of the galaxy's most feared bounty hunters. Whomever her prey was, was already a dead man. Or so many thought. Naxia could've easily shot her target by now, but her client needed this person alive, so that's how they were getting him. The guy she was after was clearly human, and wasn't running nearly fast enough to be able to get out of reach. But he still ran, pushing aside forming crowds, not losing hope. Naxia inched closer and closer the further both of them went. It wasn't long before she pulled some sort of gadget from her belt and threw it his way. It hit the human right on the back, and gave off a blue glow. It seemed to electrify him, but not to the point of death. Stunned from the shock, he tried to get up, but was soon pushed right back down onto the cold pavement below him. Naxia had officially caught her target, and proceeded to put into a him into form of handcuffs. She shoved the guy off the ground and started to walk away from the crowds that had manifested.

"Virx?" Naxia said into a device on her wrist.

"Naxia? If that's you, I suppose you caught him." Came a reply.

"It's me. I have him unharmed and breathing. Meet me by the Cantina near Inok" She answered, trying to speak as little as possible. Virx was a Devaronian, a species that looked like the devil, and may be even the devil for all the galaxy knew.

"No problem. Hey, um, I was wondering-" "Don't push it. I'm getting my 7,000 credits I deserve. So do me a favor and just meet me by the Cantina with my credits, and you'll get your guy." She interrupted, knowing this game too well.

"Geesh you don't need to be so cruel about it, I'm just trying to tell you I've been having a hard time lately and you go on being rude about it!"

"I have your guy, so meet me by the Cantina with my credits, and you'll get him." Naxia interrupted once again harshly with demand. She then cut off the feed with Virx.

"Glad to know how much I'm worth in this stupid galaxy. 7,000 credits! I thought I was worth much more!" the human complained.

She abruptly stopped walking with him, and pulled the guy right up to her helmet with force and said, "I never gave you any sort of permission to talk. If you couldn't tell, you're already in a pretty bad situation, and I don't feel like wasting another Stunner on someone like you."

They continued to make their journey to the Cantina im complete silence. Pathways through crowds began to form for them, due mainly to fear. As they reached the Cantina, Virx was already waiting for them, leaning against a wall.

"Credits?" Naxia asked.

"Yeah I got your money." Virx replied, irritated. 7,000 credits wasn't in his budget, but he needed this guy. He never actually told Naxia why, but he did tell her he was apart of the Resistance. She hated the rebels and their attempt at peace, and especially the Jedi, so she didn't need an explanation anyways. She shoved the guy over to Virx, and took the strip with the credits on it. Without saying anything in return, Naxia left them both and walked straight into the Cantina. As she let the doors close behind her, a brief quietness filled the building. The volume of the consumers eventually rose back up, because they knew if she was on the hunt at the moment, a fight would've already started. Naxia indeed wasn't hunting someone, but was looking. She walked through the hallways and sat down at booth where a pink humanoid was sitting.

"Hey gurl! How'd that thing you were telling me go!" the alien said.

"Don't call me 'gurl' Ferry, and you're obviously drunk again, so I won't even bother telling you about the hunt. I'm just here to make sure you're still alive."

"Why would I be dead?" Ferry giggled.

Naxia looked around the Cantina suspiciously then said, "It's not the intoxication of the drinks I'm worried about, it's the people around here."

Ferry is a Zeltron, the daughter of one of the most powerful people in galaxy at the moment, Dalcuras. This Zabrak was one of the Sith who work alongside Kylo Ren in the First Order. He hired Naxia to protect his daughter from any harm, because many people hate him at the moment, which makes his only relative alive a big target.

"And how many drinks have you consumed since I left you here?" Naxia asked.

Ferry gave a puzzled look before replying, "Eh... about 21... probably more I'm not sure. You want one? You look like you need one."

"No, I don't need a drink, and neither do you. What we need is the check."

Naxia signalled the waiter to come over. The employee made no hesitation to come to their table, and arrived nearly seconds after Naxia informed her to.

"You're paying by the way." Naxia demanded.

"What? You just got payed though! So technically you should."

"I didn't even drink or eat anything here! You're expecting me to pay for all of these drinks?!"

"Uh, yeah!"

"I was hired to deal with you, not pay for all your expenses!"

"I could pay for my own drinks, but that would result with me telling someone that you left me in a Cantina all by myself for the past 3 hours... and you don't want that to happen huh?" Ferry said, with a grin on her face.

Anger spread all over Naxia, but she tried to contain it as much as possible, for it might provoke the Zeltron to tell even more negative comments to her father.

"Ferry, are you really pulling that card on me?"

The pink girl looked at the waiter who had been awkwardly standing there the entire time, then looked back.

The waiter hastily suggested, "So, um, I guess you're paying Naxia? I mean if not I could just put it on your tab or-" "No, I'm paying" Naxia said interrupting the nervous worker. She continued to pay with a negative attitude.

"If I wasn't hired to protect you, I would've killed you already." Gritted Naxia.

"Already! Gurl you know you can't kill me, I'm like a precious gem to my father."

Annoyed, she responded, "Yeah I get it." After a couple minutes of silence after their argument, an Amaran came up to their table.

"Ex-Excuse me, are you Naxia Kenndar?" The fox looking creature asked.

"Yes, yes I am. If it's service you require it better paying well because I don't work for the poor." She replied agitated, expecting the creature have little to no money, proving unworthy of working for. It wasn't only the money she was seeking, it was the destruction of the Light Side. It was the only reason she started doing what she does.

"Oh no, I'm not anywhere near to being poor. The name's Derk, Derk Surru. I am willing to pay you 13,000 if you agree to do a hunt for me." Derk offered, getting Naxia's attention.

"And who is this you want me to hunt exactly?"

"His name is Auros Nalas, a Jedi currently being trained by a Chiss whose name is Nervan Edood. They're both currently a part of the Resistance. Auros tried to use his Jedi mind tricks to getting out of paying me for fuel. They were both last seen on Shotem, at a bar called the Treason. I'll give you some pictures if you're up to it. Oh, and it doesn't matter what state he's in, Dead or Alive." 

Ferry looked at Naxia in shock.

"13,000 credits? For just one Jedi? Am I hearing this correctly?" Naxia reasked.

"Yeah you're hearing perfectly. It would make sense that Jedi's would be going to Shotem. The planet has crystals that can advance their lightsabers. I'll know exactly where they're going."

With little to no thought after saying her statement Naxia held out her hand and shook his.

"You've got yourself a Bounty Hunter!"


Okay I know this chapter was kind of bland and short, but this was just meant to set up the story. Don't worry, the next few chapters might end up the same, but the real juicy stuff happens towards the middle and the end. Oh, and thanks for even reading this book! :D

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