Chapter 15

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The door bolted from position, startling the two in the cell. Auros was the first to awake from his slumber, and looked to his left and saw that Naxia was still lying unconsciously on his shoulder. Relief and fear began to fill up inside of him, for their visitor wasn't going to be happy seeing their Sith here. The boy shifted in position, awaking the girl. Her eyes fluttered in confusion, unaware of the current situation, and that she had slept the night here. Once everything came as a realization to Naxia, she also started to panic. When the door finally crept all the way open, both sides had a good view of each other. Everyone was shocked at who they saw.

Naxia jumped up into a standing position, eager for answers. "FERRY?!"

"NAXIA?! What ... Why are you in here?"

"The real question should be applied to yourself! Dalcuras told me that you had someone else for you to bug and drag with throughout the galaxy. The key word here is galaxy. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

"Oh uh, I ... Well they needed me here I guess. I came to bring Auros back to his interrogation torture room thing. But that doesn't matter. YOU ARE SLEEPING IN AURO'S CELL! GURL I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO KILL HIM AND STUFF! HECK YOU WERE GOING TO KILL ME FOR SAVING HIM!! WHAT THE HECK!?!?"

"Calm down! Calm down, everyone, seriously." Auros said, attempting to tame his aquantices.

Ferry and Naxia were almost in unison as they both looked at the boy in shock. Was he really trying to calm them down, with so many questions boiling inside their minds? In addition, Naxia could be killed by Snoke, if the news of her existence here spread throughout the base. Heck, Dalcuras might finish the job for their leader, before the knowledge gets to his attention. Once this came as a serious concern to Naxia, she found there was only one possible way to exterminate the information from escaping this cell. Ferry had still remained silent, as Auros bickered to them both. But Naxia didn't capture one word he said. The Sith looked at Auros with a sorrowful glance, and gave a drawful sigh, knowing he wouldn't like what she was going to do. The Jedi noticed this, and stopped his rant, puzzled. After a couple of seconds, Naxia used the force to slam the door shut behind Ferry with brute force. The pounding slam made the pink alien flinch.

"Naxia what are you-" Ferry started.

"I ... I don't know anymore. This whole thing is going out of proportions I suppose." She paused, and gave a pathetic laugh, trying to cover up her feelings. "I would've never thought I would be in such a position."

It took a moment for Auros to realize what Naxia had in mind. The second he recognized her motives, he sprung off the ground in protest.


"I doubt they'll ever work."

Ferry was still clueless to the situation, but became clearly aware once the Sith reached to her waist, and pulled out the weapon. The alien backed up, and tried to open the door in a commotion of fear. But it was useless, Naxia's concentration was still paved onto the door, making it impossible to open. The murderer moved her weapon forward, about to ignite it's fury, when Auros grabbed her wrist, stunning her momentum. It didn't stop her from flashing her saber to life, a shower of sparks falling onto the ground.

"This wasn't how this all was supposed to be."

"I can't argue with you on that, but we don't really have a choice on how this all turns out."


"I'm only doing this to keep you alive, don't you see! If I die, you die. You know, I'm making sure you're kept in the torture stage of interrogation, so that they don't get the information about the Resistance, and of course us, but once they do get what they want, they'll dispose of you like trash."

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