Chapter 4

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Naxia was woken up by the thud of her breakfast being thrown into the cell. The breakfast supplied was some Iktotch toast, and a glass of blue milk. Yet another bland meal the prisoner could look forward to. After consuming the food, she was alone in the cell for a good amount of time, until some Rebels entered. They decided that now was the perfect time to change her form of handcuffs from rope to something more advanced, thinking it would make the situation safer. The murderer looked up at the camera, crafting a plan in her mind. When the rope was cut, she pushed both of the men aside with a force they could not defeat. She bolted out of her cell, and down the hallway. The rebels were not able to run nearly as fast enough to catch her from the point of realizing the prisoner was escaping. Naxia started to get lost in the maze of the base, running in whatever direction like a game of Temple Run. She started to tire from the pain coming from all throughout her body, but her motivation was Diaden's voice being heard from behind.


Even though he wasn't nearly as fast enough to catch up to her either, if she was caught, the first officer near her was him, and death would be a certain outcome. Diaden was completely mad. She ran and ran throughout halls that started to seem of infinite number. It was like a miracle when Naxia saw daylight shine at the end of the pathway. She was now at the same deck that she arrived on with the Jedi.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING JUST STANDING THERE?! AFTER HER!!" Diaden yelled at the top of his lungs.

A swarm of rebels were now heading her way, and she needed to think quick. It was nearly impossible to analyse her situation when over 50 people are shooting lasers that needed to dodge. Other workers were starting to tackle the bounty hunter, as she tried to get them away. Naxia's legs and arms were becoming num with pain from being moved so much by kicking and punching. Surprisingly, she got most of the rebels attempting to tackle her to retreat or become unconscious. The criminal decided that it was too risky to try and get into one of the ships, so she decided to run into the forest surrounding the base, to try and shake them off. It was now her against the lasers coming from behind. Jumping over logs and obstacles while dodging lasers wasn't an easy task, especially since these rebels actually could aim, unlike stormtroopers. Her body was now starting to limp and slow down, unable to proceed in any more tasks. It was Naxia's side that eventually ended her capability to run any further. It began to ache so badly it was a reflex to stop and drop to the ground. Lasers passed above the defeated bounty hunter, as she tried to crawl away from the oncoming death. It was useless, she was at the point where her story was about to come to an end. When the girl realized this, she laid down, dirt completely covering her face, and closed her eyes. Footsteps were heard coming from the opposite direction the rebels were running. Weirdly, the pitched sounds of lasers firing seized moments after the footsteps were heard. Naxia opened one eye to see who the mysterious person was, but couldn't see that clearly. She opened her other eye and turned her head with the remaining energy left towards the sounds of the steps. It was Leia once again, looming over her. A rage was filled inside Naxia, wanting to kill the ever-so famous human. Even if she could kill her, dozens of guns were still pointed her way.

"I told you I wasn't going to let you die." Leia looked over at the rebels. "Bring her back to her cell."

The rebels did as they were told, and took her away and back inside the base. Handcuffed, and extremely exhausted, Naxia was relieved to finally be able to sit upon entering the room.

Leia followed her into her cell. "I know you don't see us as the good guys, and I don't expect you to after what happen with your parents."

"My personal life is none of your concern."

Naxia felt defeated, especially since Leia and probably the whole base now knew everything about her, thanks to Nervan. If it wasn't for just one hunt, one hunt that somehow turned out to be the worst, she could be flying freely throughout the galaxy right now. Leia opened her mouth to speak but stopped when a familiar face came into view.

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