Chapter 16

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Naxia was awaken from her quiet slumber by a loud call of her name. Shooting up into a sitting position, curious to see what had disrupted her rest, she came into focus of her surroundings. Kylo was once again in her room, but this time sitting calmly on her mattress. Naxia was glad he chose a more subtle way of waking her, unlike last time.

She sighed in exhaustion. "Did I sleep in again?"

"No, you're fine. I came here to inform about your trip to meditate."

"Oh right. That. So, have you found a way?"

"I discussed it with Dalcuras first, and of course he disagreed, but with a little persuasion, he accepted, with a condition that Ferry come along."

"Ferry? Why does she have to? Doesn't she have someone else to bother?"

"That's uh, complicated."

"Well then." She replied grudgingly. "So did you tell Snoke?" Naxia bit her lip.

"Yes. While I was arguing some important matters with him, I brought up the topic. He too was a bit doubtful of the idea, but was fine if Ferry came along."

Naxia exhaled in relief. "Thank you, again. For going through the trouble."

She tried to hold back her excitement of getting off this rusty moon, to go and and figure out the meaning behind a classified case of secrets. The girl wanted to embrace Ren in a hug, and couldn't resist. Her arms disobeyed their commands, and squeezed the man tightly. Taking a few seconds to realize her physical showing of emotions, Kylo mechanically placed his arms in following, making it an official hug. The cuddle let a smile escape Kylo's soul, and appear on his face. After their presentation of sentiment, there was an awkward silence.

"I'm going to miss you." Kylo said, his smile fading away.

"I won't be that long, don't worry. I should be back in a matter of days."

Ren tried to revive his lost smile, but didn't succeed.

"I'll give you some privacy to get ready for the day then."

"Oh okay. I'll see you in a bit."

Without word, the man left Naxia alone in her solitary bedroom. She proceeded to get ready for the day, getting in her uniform of armour, and pepping up her hygiene. After zooming down the elevator, and exiting the hissing doors, she headed to the loading docks, where she assumed was where to go. After all, how else would she leave this metal planet? Naxia roamed the hallways, sinking into deep thought.

Gosh, he's actually going to miss me? Is it bad I won't miss him? What happens if he figures out I wasn't actually going to meditate? And will he kiss me again?

Similar thoughts processed through her mind. That is until, she passed Dalcuras. They gave each other a curt nod, taking a couple steps away from each other. But then, the alien had a moment of recognition. He took fast paced steps backwards, a disturbed expression upon his face. He grabbed Naxia by the shoulder, stopping her from continuing forward. She opened her mouth to speak, but was immediately stopped by the Zabrak shoving her into the wall with a bang, his forearm against her neck. Unable to move her upper body, the girl reached for her lightsaber, but Dalcuras grabbed it out of the socket on her belt, and threw it to the side, the weapon scattering across the ground, stopping in front of a trooper. Of course the soldier made no attempt to return it to it's rightful owner. Completely vulnerable, and unable to speak, she tried thinking words of confusion to the alien. And that's when she realized, he was probably reading her mind when passing by.


"Oh Naxia. You've got to be kidding me! Don't tell me all of that was true!"

Of course not!

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