Chapter 8

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Naxia had enough of this nonsense. It was time to end it all.

It was like slow motion, Naxia's hand gripping the lightsaber, swaying it in the air, Cara with a victorious grin watching the madness, Ferry's mouth opening to yell, knowing it was worthless, and Auros, defeated, but ready for his death. After everything he had just been through, hoping that someone would come and rescue him, anyone, he realized death was certain from the start. Before the crimson blade could end the boy's existence, the force had other plans about the current situation. The 54 jolted, Cara sliding out of her chair, and everyone else being knocked off their feet.

"What was that?!" Naxia yelled with frustration.

Cara instantly got off the ground, and looked at the console to the craft. She seemed distressed. Her apprentice retrieved her lightsaber and went over to the ship's main viewport to see what could've caused such an interruption.

"We've been hit by something, something strong enough to blast right through the wing!" Cara informed.

Auros was helping Ferry to her feet, letting his apparent extra few seconds of life help the person who wanted to save him.

"Well isn't that great" Naxia gritted in response. "The real question is who by? The freighter, Claudette, couldn't have, because we're almost on the other side of the galaxy, in the inner-rim territories".

Whoever was hitting them wasn't anymore, for some strange reason, but little jolts of vibrations were sent through the ship from the damage.

"I don't know, but whoever did, needs either the 54 intact, or something on here in one piece-" "Oh goodness don't tell me it's the-" Naxia interrupted, just to be stopped mid-sentence by someone calling into the ship's intercom.

"We request you land on the planet below, and give us Auros Nalas, or we're going to have to force you to. I repeat, give us back Auros Nalas, we don't mean any harm".

An X-Wing with the Resistance's symbol on it's side flew by the viewport, then another.

"You're kidding me right? They won't be but an annoyance. You, finish the business before it's too late, I'll try to take them" The Sith demanded.

Cueing her blade to glow back to life, the killer nodded in return, and walked over to the alien and boy. Ferry saw this and blocked her path, stopping her from walking any closer to him.


"I told you, I'm n-" "It's okay, I was long dead before this already. Your death shouldn't be an effect of mine" Auros interrupted.

The pink girl looked back and forth between the two surrounding humans, not knowing what to do. In the midst of her thought, Naxia used the force to slam her into the wall of the ship, and out of the way. The Jedi looked towards the location of her impact, knowing he couldn't do anything to help. The ship shook from another hit. Then again.

"They've got us surrounded! The ship has been hit on both wings, an-"

Everything started to float, including everyone. The 54's was broken down, and was now being sucked into the planet below them, Jakku's, gravity. Ferry and Cara both looked for something to grab onto, but Naxia was furious, and wanted Auros done with already. She wasn't going to stop until he was dead. Both of them floating in mid-air, she swung her lightsaber towards him. Just inches away from being killed, Auros blocked her hit with his own blade of plasma. Shocked, she started to strike back, and so did the boy. Everything was much harder to do when floating. Naxia glanced over at Ferry with an angered look, who was watching the battle with fear. The only person who could have given him the lightsaber was her, which made the dilemma she was in. As their few remaining seconds went by before the craft crashed, the two humans were still clashing their sabers, frustration and hope fighting each other. Everyone who was floating abruptly hit the floor of the ship, the roof starting to pile from impact. Taking a moment to realize her position, Naxia looked around, stuck in a pile of rubble. Bruises were pulsating pain all along her limbs, and Ferry was moaning in discomfort. Still raging about the death of Auros, she was eager to get out of this mess, and used her still activated lightsaber to cut her way out of the metal. Slicing her way out, she saw an opening in the remains of the 54, and escaped. 'Another desert-land to be stranded on ... great' she thought. Auros was already out of the wreck, helping Ferry get out. 'This guy almost got me killed, and now wrecked my ship?!' The crimson blade still extended, waving around in the air, as she walked with fire in her eyes towards the Padawan. When he saw her coming his way, he freaked out, and rushed his attempt to free Ferry. Once the alien was out, Resistance ships started to surround them. With all these X-Wings guarding their precious Jedi, she couldn't kill him. The ships started to shoot at her, but she blocked every laser with ease with her weapon.

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