Chapter 19

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Louis kissed me. Louis Tomlinson. The boy that I've known for forever. The boy that comforted me through my darkest hours. The boy that beat up any guy that messed with me. The boy that is my best friend.

And I kissed him back.

I need to stop over thinking it. It's not that big of a deal... Right? Ugh.

"I'm going to leave early to my game. Meet me there?" Louis snapped me out of my thoughts. I nod and smile as he walks out the front door to his car, acting as though he didn't just change our while relationship. What changed exactly? Eversince Harry-


I'm kind of in a relationship with Harry and I just kissed my best friend that I live with. My life is screwed up.

I stare blankly for a good fifteen minutes before getting a text from Harry.

*Have you left to the game yet?*

*Not yet,* I reply.

*Ill pick you up* he answers seconds later. I decide not to go against it and wait for him to show up.

I don't notice the first knock at the door because of my loud thoughts, but when the doorbell rings I about fall out of my chair. I hurry to the door and open it.

Harry gives me a half grin.

"Let's go," his emotionless voice speaks. I nod and shut the door behind me, before following him out to his truck. We both get in and he starts it up, cranking the heater first thing.

He backs up and swerves onto the road cautiously then places his right hand on my thigh.

"You're awfully quiet, love, aren't you?" Harry smirks.

"No," I reply shortly. "I'm just tired, I guess." I try and lighten my words.

"We can always just go to my house instead of this bloody game." he looks over at me.

"No, I promised Lou-is... Louis," I decide not to use nicknames. Harry already hates Louis enough and he would hate him even more if I used a pet-name for him. "I promised him we'd go." I correct.

"Fine," he agrees before turning on the radio for he rest of the drive to the stadium.

When we arrive we meet up with Niall, Liam, and Zayn. We enter the packed arena and find our seats that Louis had reserved- third row luckily. As the players stretch and practice before the game, we all chattered randomly.

"Harry, have you decided if you going to move?" Niall asks.

What? Move?

"What?" I turn to Harry who was seated at mg right.

"Nothing," he shoots Niall, who sits to my left, a glare.

Before I can push it, the announcer begins speaking. Everyone turns their attention to the field as the starters take position. Louis looks in our direction and his face lights up when he spots us. He smiles and we all wave happily, except Harry.

The game goes by fairly quickly. Louis scores two goals before third quarter, and we all, except Harry again, freak out and cheer when he does. As the end of the fourth quarter approaches,Harry turns to me.

"We should get going to beat the crowd." he suggests. I agree and we both stand. We say our goodbyes to the boys and begin to make our way to the exit of the stadium.

Before we reach the door two guys greet Harry.

"Hey, man." one smiled a crooked grin.

"Hey," Harry replied shortly, obviously wanting to avoid them.

"This your girlfriend?" the other slurred, looking me up and down. I shift uncomfortably and take a small sidestep so I'm half behind Harry.

"No," Harry replies, covering me from their eyes that continued to rake my body.

No? Ouch.

"We have to go," Harry said before anyone could speak. He dragged me out the door and out to his truck before letting me speak.

"No? If I'm not your girlfriend then what am I?" I sneer.

"I have to say that to protect you." He fires back.

"Protect me? From what?" I push.

"If they knew you were my girlfriend they would have gone after you."

"That makes no sense." I fold my arms.

"I ended it on the wrong foot with those guys. They just want to get back at me,"

"Harry, it's embarrassing that you keep rejecting our relationship." I say.

"I know," he ran his fingers through his hair like he does when he's stressed.

"Whatever," I huff, not wanting to fight. It's not that big of a deal compared to what I did. And if I don't forgive him for this there is no way he'll forgive me for cheating on him. He's going to be pissed. I can't tell him.

I have to.

I have to now.

"Harry," I get his attention, breathing in deeply. Here we go...

(Sorry it took a while to update!! What do you guys think will happen??:)Xx)

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