Chapter 12

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Harry glances at me as the waiter brings out check. I take my last bite of food before sitting back.

Just as I open my mouth to speak I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey Darsey!" I look up and see Tanner. I greet him with a nervous smile. His eyes light up when he sees who I'm with.

"Harry, hey man. Long time no see," he smirks.

"Yeah," Harry replies shortly.

"So, uh, you two dating?" he asks.

"What? No!" Harry snaps as he stands up and pulls me out of the restaurant quickly.

"What was that?" I question once we're in the car.

"What? We were done eating so we left." he says as though he didn't just shut down Tanner, not to mention that he said we're not dating.

"First of all, you practically dragged me out. Second of all, Tanner was talking to us and you just left him there. Third of all, if we're not Dating then what are we?" I ask.

"Tanner isn't worth your time." he mutters.

"That's not what I asked." I say.

He sighs. "He just wants to get with you. And if he knows your with me he'll want to even more." he explains.


"Why?" she asks. I seem to have persuaded her.

"We aren't exactly friends." I say.

"Okay," she replies when we pull up to my house. I open the door for her and we hurry inside. My heart sinks when I see someone standing in my kitchen.

"Harry!" she squeals. Belle.

"Hey Belle," I groan. Darsey glances at me suspiciously as Belle smiles.

"It's been a while, big brother," she smiles. I hear Darsey let out a deep breath. She probably thought it was some girlfriend or something.

"It's been a week," I say.

"Is this another girlfriend of yours?"she asks. My heart sinks at her choice of words. But Darsey seems to ignore it.

"I'm Darsey," Darsey smiles.

"Nice to meet you," Belle greets her.

"Well Dars and I are going to go up on the roof so I'll catch up with you later." I say and I grab Darsey's hand before hurrying up two flights of stairs and onto the roof. I open up a bin I keep up there and pull out a blanket. I lay on the roof and Darsey joins me. I wrap my arm around her waist and lay the blanket on top of us. She snuggles into me, instantly making my bad mood disappear.

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