Chapter 44

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Harry's pov:

I walk down the road and take a sharp right down the main street, frowning when I see the sidewalk's lined with vendors. I turn to change course when I'm interrupted.

"Harry," I hear a familiar voice greet me.

"Thia," I reply back, looking at her. Her face is twisted in a constant smirk and she's wearing her usual slutty outfit, even though it's cold out; but that doesn't surprise me. She'll do anything to get attention, even if it means dying her brown hair bright pink.

"Where's your little girlfriend of yours?"

"Why does it matter?" I shoot back.

"It doesn't. I was just trying to be nice,"

"Well, don't."

She blows of my harsh tone and cocks her head. "Does she know what you did?"

I don't even need to ask her to clarify. It's sick that I've done something so horrible that even a year later it's still a huge deal.
I nod at her question before ruffling my hair.

"Does she know it all?"

"She knows that I killed James's girlfriend who also cheated on him with me." I explain, my patience with her wearing dangerously thin.

"So she doesn't know it all." she says, folding her arms. I hold back an answer. "You never told her we were dating at that time?"

"No, and I don't plan on it." I reply before pushing past her, shoving the memories to the back of my crowded, confused mind.

Darsey's pov:

As Louis flips through channels on the TV I finish up making a bag of popcorn. After putting it in a bowl and bringing it over to him, I notice a strange emotion on his face, but it disappears before I can dissect it.

"You okay?" I ask, sitting next to him on the couch.

"What? Oh... um yeah," he mutters, not looking in my direction.

"Louis," I push.

"It's nothing."

"Yes it is. If it's upsetting you it is something." I rest my hand on his and he looks over at me with a distant gaze.

"You're with him, aren't you?"


"You know who."

This won't end well.

(Sorry I've been really busy so this is a bit short! I'm leading up to the big parts so just sit right while I work on it😊)

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