Chapter 21

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I don't know why I have such trouble staying awake during movies. But I find myself fighting to stay awake as Harry and I watch Spiderman. Harry rests his arm behind me and I keep falling into him. When I sit back up he chuckles softly.

"Just sleep," he whispers. I nod slowly and give in to the constant nagging. My head falls into Harry's chest and his arm wraps around me. He seems really distant- but at the same time he's never been more attached to me. It's as though he's savoring every moment we have together...

But before I can over think it, I drift asleep to the constant beating of Harry's chest.


I wake up to birds chirping outside. It takes me a minute to process where I am. Harry and I are both tangled into each other on his couch and morning light shines through the windows. I look up and see Harry asleep as well, his hair in a ruffled perfect mess. A slight grin is held in his lips and his arms are still wrapped around me. I just smile and lay my head back down on his chest and close my eyes again. He groans softly and shifts before blinking himself awake. He rubs his eyes as I look up at him.

"You sleep well, love?" his deep, raspy, morning voice sends chills down my arms and spine.

I nod and speak up. "Did you?" I ask.

"Best sleep I've ever had," he chuckles.

"That's good." I smile. I pick up my phone from the ground and see a few messages from Louis. Luckily none were asking where I am. But he did ask for me to come home.

"Louis needs me," I say to him.

"Just stay with me." he pouts.

"I need to go home, Harry." I chuckle and stand up.

"And how are you getting home?" he grins teasingly as I realize that Harry had driven me here.

"You, Mr. Styles, will drive me." I muse.

He stands as well and gives in, leading me out the door and into his car. When we're both in he tries to start up the engine but for some reason it won't. He groans and grunts to me, "Follow me,"

We get out of the truck and walk up to his garage door and he opens it. When we're inside, he leads me to a motorcycle... Oh yay.

He notices my nervous face.

"What, you're afraid of motorcycles?" he chuckles as he gets on.

"No," I lie.

"Well then lets go." he sticks the key in the slot and beckons me to get on. I swing my leg over after a moment of hesitance and when I'm on he instructs me to hold onto him. I have to admit, I definitely don't mind it...

I wrap my arms around him and hold on tight as he speeds down the driveway and through the streets.

"Why is everyone stopped?" I ask as he slows down behind a van.

He shrugs and leans around the car in front of us.

"I don't see anything," he informs.


She looks around the other side and gasps.

"Harry," she squeaks.

"What?" I ask, noticing the shear terror on her face.

"Someone g-got... They're laying in the middle of the road and..." she stutters, tears forming in her beautiful hazel eyes.

I look to where she's staring at and see a man, undoubtedly dead, in the middle of a crosswalk- bent and bloody. I find myself cringing at the graphic sight of the mangled body in the crimson puddle of blood.

She tries to get off but I don't let her.

"I need to help him!" she cries.

"No, you're going to get hit, Dars!" I tell her worriedly as cars fly by the dead man. The horrifying part is that this happened seconds ago- the police and ambulance haven't even arrived yet.

As she struggles I turn to her.

"Darsey you can't go help him. Other people will, dont worry. These cars are just going to fast and I don't know what I'd do if you got hit." I calm her as the traffic begins to pick up again.

I speed up as well and as we swerve around the dead body she buries her face in my shirt and sobs. I do my best to comfort her as we continue on to her house. When we finally arrive she gets off the motorcycle and looks as though she's doing better. But as soon as I open my mouth to speak she melts down again. I kick down the kick stand and get off as well before wrapping my arms around her as she shakes and whimpers. She hugs me back and speaks up quietly.

"What about his family and his friends? They'll never see him again. And what if he just broke up with his girlfriend or he just got in a fight with someone? And now he's just gone and he'll never talk to them again..."

"Darsey, Darsey," I hush her.

She looks up at me, her eyes red.

"It's okay. It happened for a reason. It's his time to move on," I say, wiping a tear from her eye before realizing what I was doing. I pull away and she looks up at me.

"Yeah," she forces a slight smile as if she wanted to change the subject. "Thanks for letting me stay with you," she looks away with a small grin.

"Thanks for staying," I flirt. She meets my eyes again and giggles softly, trying her best to be happy.

"Well I'll see you soon." she mutters.

"See you, Dars." I get back on my motorcycle as she walks up the doorstep. I get started on my way home, and with every second of the way back I regret not kissing her.

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