Chapter 48

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(Don't worry guys I know that I'm not using Harry's real parents, but all I'm doing is using the boys faces and names. None of this relates to their real lives or personalities really at all:) x)

"I thought you didn't like your parents?" I ask him as he paces his room, glancing out the window to see his parents car pull out of the driveway and down the road.

"I don't." Harry snaps at me.

"Then why do you care so much?" I question him.
He pauses and runs his fingers through his hair before looking at me for the first time since we've come into his room.

"I don't." He repeats stubbornly. I sigh and he steps closer to me. "How are they going to help pay for my house if they're not here?"

"You know they'll find a way. They're not just going to give up on you." I reply, knowing that he's trying to cover up that he actually cares.

"Stop telling me what they'll do!" He throws his hands in the air.

"You're getting pissed over nothing!" I retort as he paces once more.

"No I'm not! How could they just leave and not tell me?" he challenges rhetorically and I leave his question hanging in the air, unsure how to answer him. I hate seeing him so upset and broken; it's not very often.
Right now he's not as much mad, only sad in a way? He'll never admit that he actually cares about his family, but I know deep down part if him does. I don't know much about his family other then they make a lot of money and in Harry's negative point if view are "overbearing".

"Listen to me," I get up and walk over to him, resting one hand on his cheek. He looks as though he's about to jerk away but instead the anger that burned in his eyes softened a little. "It's all going to work out."

"But what-"

"Shh." I hush him and he looks down, internally battling with himself on whether he should fight back or give up.

After a few beats of silence his gaze steadies on my lips and I'm caught off guard when he brings his hand up and cups my cheek. I see the flicker of lust in his eyes just as his mouth meets mine. He doesn't allow even a second of lost contact as his arm pulls me into him. I wrap my arms around his neck before he pushes me into the wall, all his anger transformed into burning passion. He immediately makes up for the moments of separation by lining burning kisses up my neck. I can't help but feel my legs go weak and the chills rise on my skin. The familiar feeling returns and I will do anything to keep it. I assist in lifting his shirt from his lean torso, decorated with all sorts of art pieces. But I'm to distracted to think about it now.
My fingers run through his hair, leaving it messy and unbelievably attractive.
"You're so sexy," he breathes, meeting my lips once more.

I like to think that I changed his mood so easily but I know this is only a temporary fix to a huge problem, however I push that thought to the back of my mind and relocate my thoughts on this moment. He tugs at the waist line of my pants and I smirk.

"Easy there tiger," I mutter and he picks up and lays me on his bed.

A soft chuckled escapes his parted lips and he speaks slowly, in such an alluring way that I can't stand it. "You're saying you don't like this? This feeling you get whenever I touch you?" His fingertips leave burning along my skin as he leans over me.
"You're saying it doesn't drive you absolutely mad when I tease you." He says softly, his mouth hardly centimeters from like mine. I feel so dizzy just by his deep, raspy voice, like it is a spell. I'm swayed into his trance and will do whatever he wishes.

"It does." I huff, my hands pulling him down to kiss me again. He smirks with pleasure and runs his finger tips up my stomach softly. I swoon at the slightest movement, the slightest moan that escapes his lips. I earn one every time I find the sweet spot right behind his ear. He loves it.

He seems so lost in this moment. So playful and loving. I just wish it could last forever.

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