chapter 4~~~~ amusement park

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A/N just a quick note i dedicate this chaper to my friend Ana becouse she will be the only one to understand the lady that was wearing almost nothing that gave us the tickets to get into the Amusment park.

*Cristle's P.O.V.*

We quickly jumped into the car and buckles up. "Are you all excited?" Louis asked nudging into me as harry started the car heading to the amusment park. "Oh you have no idea, i used to go alot im so excited." i grin bouncing in my seat Louis just chuckles and patts my knee.

Harry eventully turned off the radio sense everyone was talking about what rides they wanted to go on and ones they didnt. For Louis any roller costar was off the table, other than that nobody had any rides they didnt like.

 We drove for about 15 more minutes before we finally got to the amusement park. "oh my gosh, i forgot to grab the money." Im mumbled, more to myself than anyone else. "Ill pay for you and Kody don't worry about it" Niall said "you don't have to really its fine" i replied "no i insist" he said as he gave the lady the money. she had blankets over blankets of makeup on i don't even think it was her real face.

She was wearing a belly shirt and some short shorts that weren't even buttoned. "Fine but im paying you back" i said as i playfully punched him in the arm. "Ouch" he said grabbing his arm and we waited a little then burst out laughing. "Here you go" the lady said in a flirty voice clasping onto Nialls hand as he grabbed the tickets. Niall kindly smiled at her before pulling his hand away "Thank you" he said before putting a hand on the small of my back and leading me through the gates. 

The place was wonderful, It was absulutly stunning. I hadn't been to one of these in years and there we so meany new rides. Louis ran up to us and lead us to these spinning apples. "These are really fun, be sure to lean the right way so that they will spin really fast" He smilled siting down. we all nodden and took a seat it was Niall Louis Harry and me in this apple and in the other one was Kody liam and Zayn. The ride started and was going in a circle everytime we leaned it would spin, It was loads of fun and i hadent been on it before.

Once we all got off the ride Niall walked over to me with a big grin on his face "Do you want to go on the kanikaze?" he asked "Yeah, i just need to get some water if thats okay?" i asked pointing to one of the carts selling water "Ok ill meet you over there" he smiled and walked towards the kamikaze.(pic on the side) I smiled to myself as me and Kody made our way to get something to drink. Once i ordered a water and she got a lemonade we  made our way over to the kamikaze and stood next to niall. "Hey no cutting" a girl about 12 years old said "im not cutting im sitting next to him" i explained "oh im sorry i thought you were" she said looking at the ground i just smiled at her and said "its fine". 1 minute later a man about 5'2 who might i add was way over weight and had a long white Beard "Ok the kamikaze is now boarding groups of 2 please- blah blah blah blah blah, i didn't listen to the rest of what he said because it wasnt like i hadent heard it before "hey can i ride with you" Kody asked. "Sorry I'm riding with Niall" i said looking at the ground. 

"you can ride with me i don't have a partner" the sweet 12 year old said "aww thank you it means alot" Kody replied Kody and April (the 12 year old girl) were sitting behind us. Kody knocked on our bars to get our attention "what" i asked "just wanted to tell you NO SNOGGING" she yelled and her and April bursted out laughing i turned as red as a tomato. The fat guy walked past all the people making sure they were all buckled in right and closed the cages."ok the ride is starting have fun" he said into the loud speaker. "I don't think he likes his job very much" i said as Niall and i bursted out in laughter.

The ride started going and it did its usual things and the ride was over."That was so much fun you have no idea" i laughed "im glad" Niall replied smiling, damn that boy smiles alot. "Hey do you wanna go on the zipper with me he asked. "Of course i was just about to ask you that actually" i replied. We walked over to the zipper and not very many people were in line so we got on way quicker than you ushally would.They sat us down and buckled us up and the ride did its thing and we got off.

We were at the fair for the rest of the day and we eventully went home. I was super tired and unconfertable seeing as Kody feel asleep on me in the car. We finally got home "hey im going to bed goodnight" i said heading to my room "night" they all yelled in unison. I went to my bathroom and took a shower, when i was done with my shower i put on my pjs and brushed my teath, after that i braided my hair and headed to my room. For pjs i put on fuzzy shorts and a tanktop that says 'always flirt' on it. I jumped into my bed and fell fast asleep.

the next day'

I woke up at about 9:30 and saw that Kody was still sleeping, i decided to be nice and let her sleep, for now. I put on a hoodie and went to the kitchen "i smell pancakes" i said "oh you do" a sweet Irish accent said. I smiled as he handed me a plate of pancakes and i sat at the table next to Louis and Niall sat down next to me. "Good Morning" Louis said "morning" i said and smiled he smiled back and started eating his last pancake. I finished my last one and sat on the couch. "Wanna watch Despicable me" Louis asked "sure" me and Niall said in unison.

We laughed as the movie started and a hardly awake Kody came out and sat next to me. "i love this movie" she said i just patted her head "good" i said she didnt reply as she got lost in the movie. We were half way through the movie when the rest of the boys walked into the room "we've got bad news" Liam said with a frown drawn across his face we all stared at him telling him to go on. "well-" he continued

A/N i hope you guys liked this chapter im not really that pleased with this one thought i dont know why haha well if you dont know what the komikazie looks like there is a pic of one on the side i will update as soon as possible.

on the run [Niall Horan] FINISHED EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now