Chapter 12 ~ Eleanor Furn Calder?!

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~0~In the car~0~

"I don't think there is a pool at the hotel were going to" Zayn said looking at a piece of paper about the resort. "well we will just have to change hotels then" Louis muttered. "i really don't care if it has a pool or not cuz i don't have a swimming suit" i mumbled playing with my fingers "me too"kody said looking at her feet i looked over at the boys a shocked expression all on their faces. "Sabin change of plans... take us to the nearest mall" Harry said to the driver the driver nodded and started the cat again sense we were going to the mall "wooo slow it down" Niall said sitting strait again.

Now that i think of it i really don't know if Harry is my friend or not i mean it seems like he would rather talk to a fly then me the same go to Zayn. "shopping" Louis smiled jumping up and down in his seat "no no no we don't need anything really were fine" i said trying to get out of this "yeah we really don't" Kody agreed "are you kidding me you don't have a swimming suit and you don't need to go shopping" Niall said "Yeah plus we have so much money it doesn't matter" Liam said agreeing with Niall. No no no not again haven't they done enough i mean they gave us a roof over our heads and food we don't need anymore.

"We're fine going to a thrift shop" Kody said fiddling with her fingers "Nu-uh no changing our minds babe" Zayn said i saw Kody blush is she really over Liam if so i blame him for kissing her then acting like it never happened. People say he is daddy direction but he really isn't he is just as immature as the rest of them. We both signed in unison knowing it was no use to stop them "but wait if we go to the mall won't we get mobbed from fans" i asked looking around the limo "shit I forgot about that" Niall mumbled yes yes yes "Lou pass me the green duffle bag" Harry said pointing at a bag Louis nodded and passed the green bag to Harry "I packed the stuff boys"harry yelled "no Harry I no i- drugs are bad" I said looking at him it was silent "what" I asked looking around then all the boys and Kody burst out laughing "what drugs are bad what's so funny" I asked "no it's not drugs Cristle it's our disguises lets see what do we have in here some ray bands hats like this Beanie" Zayn said pulling out some ray bands and a beanie before passing the same kind of stuff to the rest of the boys "can I wear some ray bands" I asked Zayn nodded and passed me some "thanks" I muttered. I put them on and closed my eyes letting the music overcome me.


I opened the glass doors leading into the mall overlooking all the shops that were in there. i was soon being pulled into 'wet seal' by 5 boys and Kody when we got there there were racks and racks of clothing "to the swimming suits" Louis said, their was a series of yays lets go's and two sighs from me and Kody. We were looking at swimsuits "how bout this one" Harry asked holding a grey bikini i have to admit it was really cute but then i looked at the price tag $99.99 "no no no no that's to much can we just go to a thrift shop" i bagged the boys just laugh before throwing it into the pile of pants and tops and other clothing "fuck" i sighed.

"you gyes don't have to do this no no no we can go to a thrift shop its no biggie" Kody said trying to convince the boys to do other than they were doing "nope" Niall said popping the p we both sighed in unison before giving up there is no stopping these boys i mean really. "Plus you have to look nice if your gonna meet Eleanor and Perry" Zayn said with a bright smile on his face. Once we put all the bags in the limo we sat down. "Where are we going now" i asked "to Eleanor and Perry's hotel room" Louis said i sighed I'm not very good at meeting new people i always screw it up, i started scratching the top of my hand it was always a habit i do when i nervace "stop that" Kody said shooing my hand away from my other one "s-sorry" i stuttered.

She gave me a friendly glair before rejoining her conversation with Zayn. I looked out the window at the passing scenery "are you ok" Niall asked "yep" i said popping the p "well were here come on" he laughed before leaving the car he waited outside the car for me i got out of the car and walked up next to him, " it will be fine Eleanor and Perry are great people"he whispered into my ear causing me to shiver. We caught up to the rest of the people while Louis pushed the red button over and over again "hello" a feminine voice said over the speaker "hey Perry mind to let us in" Louis asked she chuckled "i don't know i dont really like you" she joked "come on babe" Zayn interupted "fine" she laughed.

We walked up to her room "hey babe" Zayn said pulling Perry im guessing into a big hug she was really pretty she had blonde hair and blue eyes "hi" a frail voice said behind her "Eleanor" Louis yelled pulling her into a huge hug she had curly brown hair and Hazel eyes that i would reconise anywhere. My eyes widened "Fern" i asked completely dumbfounded "Cristle Kody" She asked removing herself from her and Louis's hug. Oh my god no way.


OMG CLIFT HANGER i find them anoying but fun ya know well i just wanted to tell you guys that i might not be uploading one the first 2 weeks of January Just wanted to tell you that. I love you all more then you think trust me <333

Im making Mac-nd-cheese yummmmmyyyy (almost as yummy as POTATOES) Also im sorry that its so short i honestly thought it was longer then this but i wanted to end it like that so next chapter will be much longer i promise

on the run [Niall Horan] FINISHED EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now