Chapter 23 ~ Broken Lover

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 (After this chapter its gonna mostly be Niall's Pov you will see why)


He has changed so much. His once black hair is a light brown and in a slight quief. He has a 3:00 shadow and he looks evil but it reminds me of why i fell in love with him.

"Cristle lets go" Niall mutters grabbing my hand. But i dont budge. I cant its like i forgot how to walk.

"Hah she wants to stay with me" Jesse mutters grabbing my other wrist. I flintch at his touch at my healed wrist.

"Dont touch her"

"Lets hear her say that"

"Cristle?" Niall ask tugging on by hand. My vision has gotton blurry  i feel my legs get week and i almost fall to the ground but Niall catches me before i face plant. 

I can hear things but i cant see them.

"Give her to me" i hear Jesse yell

"No" Niall yells back

"She doesnt love you its only me"

"Then why did she break up with you"

"Cuz she is a idiot"

"No cuz you treat her like that"


 I look at Cristles sleeping body in my hands 

"Cuz she is a idiot" Jesse mutters running a hand threw his hair.

"No cuz you treat her like that" i yell

"What like this?" he askes inisently sending punch after punch to her head. Once i hit realisation i cover her with my body now as i get some puches.

Jesse kicks under me causing me to jump back regreating it instently. He sent kicks and punches at her as i tryed to get my legs to go towrds her but they wouldnt budge.

Once they did i ran towrds Jesse pushing him off her causing him to fall in the water. I pick up her frail body and rushing towrds my car. I send a quick text to all the boys  and Kodythat said.

To: Liam, Zayn, Louis,Kody  and Harry
Ran into Jesse at the water park bringing Cristle to the hosbital get to Ireland hosbital asap ill explain when you all get there. 

From: Liam
Oh my god.... ill be there in 4 hours hang in there.

From: Louis
Im on my way be there in 2 hours i hope she is alrightxx

From: Kody
Omg i cant loose her too be there in one hour!!

From: Harry
Be there in 2 hours im so confused right now see you soon,

From: Zayn
Be there in 3 Hours i hope everything is alright...

I locked my phone driving quickly to the hosbital. 


"We need a doctor' i yell with Cristle in my arms bridal style. Three doctors come rushing towrds me with a gurnie. I place Cristle onto it and follow them down the halls. 

"Mr. Horan you will have to wait in the waiting room" a blonde nurse said as they weeled Cristle into a room hooking her up to differant mashines.

"Will she be ok" i ask a tear falling down my face. "I'm not sure we will let you know about  updates" she mutters walking into the room closing the door behind her.

I walk back down the hall being handed papers to fill out.

Threw out the next five hours everyone has gotten here and i have filled out so much papers.

"I cant wait any longer" i mutter shifting in my seat. "Im sorry bout this" Louis sighs

"None of this should have happened" Kody cryes into Liams shirt "i know love" he sighs holding her close.

I see a ping of jeliousy run threw Harry's eyes before he quickly looks away. 

I shifted in my seat again before standing up and walking to the bathroom. 

I look in the mirror look at this thing thats soposed to be me. My eyes have turned into a grey blue and i have tear stains on my cheeks. My skin is dry and i feel like complete crap.

"You okay mate?" Zayn askes walking into the bathroom. "No" i mutter running a hand threw my greasie hair.

"Im sorry things arnt going as planed" "they never go as planned mate" i mumble

I splash off my face before Zayn and i go back to the waiting room.

Right as i sit down a man walks out with a clip bored 

"Finally" i mutter

"Do you wanna know how she is?" he sighs

"Yes" we all yell.

"She is doing fine but there is one cetch. She is in a coma."

"How is that fine" i yell tears flowing down my face. 

"She is alive isnt she." he asked with a duh face.

The boys capt silent. "Can i see her" i sighed looking up at him. He gave me a slight nod and the room number 34 before i run down the hall to her room.

When i walk in i see her she is brusied and broken. Just like how i first found her. Lost. Scared.And broken.

I sit in the white chair next to her bringing her hand into mine. "I love you" i mutter giving her hand a slight squeese.

 "Mr.Horan there is one more thing" a mans voice- the doctor said. "yeah" i sigh not looking up from cristle.

"She has a month to wake up before we pull the lines" he walks out of the room leaving me to think.

Its all my fault i could have protected her. She would be fine if it wasnt for me. "A month" Louis sighs sitting next to me "Yep" i mumble.

"You know i cant take it if i loose her" i mumble

"nether can i" 

"What do you mean?" i ask looking up at Louis furrowing a eye brown

"I havent told anyone she doesnt even know." he mumbles running a hand threw his hair.

"Well" i push trying to get him to tell me

"Well my mom always told me i had a sister.  I vividly rememer i was five and the doctor wouldnt let my mom keep a little girl that was one. So to torchur our family they kept sending pictures of her growing up till one day they stoped. They said she had passed but when we saw her on the news as a missing child we knew she was alive but we couldnt do anything, So i grew up wanting to meet this other sister of mine. Lottie and the twinns dont know who she is or that Cristle is my long lost sister. I dont know why i didnt tell any one ive just kept it a secret all my life." 

I listen clostly "is that why you tryed to be so close to her?" i ask

He sends me a quick nod "and thats why i cant loose her. Ive been looking for her all my life and right when im about to tell her this happenes" he puts his head in his hands.

"What should we do if she doesnt wake up?" i ask

I sudenly hear a faint voice in my head so i just blurt out what it says.

"We should quit the band." i yell-whistper

I see Louis eyes twinkle "or just "dissapear"" he mutters quoiting 'dissaperar' with his fingers.

i sigh squeasing her hand slightly.

"We should leave sooner like in 3 nd a half weeks just so we dont see it happen" i mention one of the many thoughts going threw my head.

"Yes three and a half weeks" 


omg omg im like freaking out loving this chapter one of my favs to be honest well i hope you love it aswell...

more drama coming up:)


on the run [Niall Horan] FINISHED EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now