Chapter 1~~On the run

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Cristles pov       WARNING FIRST STORY EVER READ MY NEWER ONES                                                                                                                                 

I walked into me and my room mate Kody's flat and locked the door behind me. I knew Mark was after us but i dont think he had found us. It's a really long story which I find quite hard to tell. He, he hurt us he hurt us really bad and it will stick with us for the rest of our lives. Eventully we ran away, well one of us was killed so we sorta had to. And we've been on the run ever sense. I looked at the clock to my left it was 8:15. Kody should be home by now, I turned the tv on and watched a random show my phone started blowing up with the song 'bruises' telling me i got a text from Kody 

From: Kodykat

Hey, he found us. Pack the stuff please. almost home.

To: Kodykat

Okay hurry, I'll have everything packed.

i sent the text and but my lip with worry. I stood up and walked to my room and started stuffing stuff into bags and suitcases. I felt a tear fall from my cheek as i rememberd my parents,  i miss them so much; I remember when i was little my mom would always say "Things happen for a reason darling, god does things for a reason, people dont die till its their time to go up with god, they are happy up there" she said it like it was nothing i just thought about it and made it to more. The fact that she said it when my grandpa died made it all the more real.  I don't know why she and my father had to die but I wouldn't be where I am right know if they hadent. They had the kind of love that girls dream of. The kind of love that I dream of. Mark killed them, and The worst part was that Mark was so  close to my mom and dad they trusted him.

I finished packing and put it by the frount door and sat back down on the couch. I heard the door open i flinched and didnt dare to move because what if it was Mark. "Dont worry Cristle it me" Kody said i turned around and walked over to the door "lets go" i said grabbing some bags and walked out of the door down the spiral stares and placed the stuff into the trunk of our red mini van. and Kody did the same. I had long brown hair and blue eyes kody had blonde hair and green eyes.

We get in the car and started driving in complete silence. We both fling forward as some idiot crashed into us. I ran out to make sure whoever it was was okay. I looked at our car all we needed was a new bumper but thats not to bad i looked back over to the black car which was compleatly trashed.

I saw the door open and out came a guy with dirty blonde hair, he had on a white tank top and dark blue jeans. I looked over and saw Kody walk on the other side of the car she had a horrified look on her face then all of the sudden i felt a sharp pain in my arm and everything went black.

A/N so I rewrote it. I just changed his name from John to mark and made it more modern and not so *shivers* corroty. I was such a carrot oh god. Well I'm still correcting the rest of it sodon't be alarmed at the name changed if it's showing for you. Have a lovely day. xx

on the run [Niall Horan] FINISHED EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now