Chapter 6~~~ He did what?!

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A/N i wasnt going to upload this till wendsday but my bestie should just get my beating over with becouse she is going to hate me after she reads this chapter ANA CALL ME WHEN YOU FINISH THIS CHAPTER 

*Cristle's P.O.V*

A/N pic of Cristle is to the side next chapter there will be a pic of Kody :) 

Me and Kody walked down the stairs and saw 5 guys staring at us, they awkwardly -well on my part it was awkward i dont know if it is for them- stared at us for awhile before i heard Niall mumble "you guys look great" we both said "thank you" in unison before walking out of the door and hoping into the car, Kody turned the key and the car buzzed to a start before stopping again, "Dammit" Kody said slamming her fist on the weel.  "What are we gonna do?" i ask biting my lip. She shruggs "i guess one of the boys will have to drive us" 

I walked inside looking at the boys on the couch "Hey Harry can you drive us somewhere" i asked i noticed that Niall had his head in his hands and he was sniffling and i could tell he was crying, ill ask Harry in the car. "No i cant right now but Louis can" he said motioning to Louis  "ok" i smiled as louis stood up and started leading me out the door and to his car where Kody already was.

Sense kody had taken shot gun i had to sit in the back which i really didnt mind.  Louis eventully started the engine. "hey whats wrong with Niall" I asked out of nowhere looking up at Louis "Yea what is wrong with him he is acting weird ohh.......never mind" Kody said she obvously knows something that i dont. "erm nothing nothing wrong why would you think that" Louis said i could tell by the tone in his voice that he was lying why is everyone lying to me? "Bullcrap" i mumble before crossing my arms and looking  out the window.

 "well here we are" Louis said i let out the breath i hadnt known  i was holding when i saw Jesse and Caden sitting on a park bench waiting for us. i looked closer and noticed that Jesse was whispering/yelling at him i didn't know what they were saying but when they noticed us they shut up. Okay whats going on.

*small Louis P.O.V*

We all steped out  of the car i saw two guys one which I'm guessing was Jesse from what Cristle told me. He had black hair it was in the justin bieber dew and blue eyes almost as blue as Niall's i didnt even think that was possible. He was wearing a green shirt and some blue jeans the guy next to him looked off, like someone you wouldnt want to be around. I was guessing he was Caden he Had blond hair a little darker then Niall's hair it was cut the same as niall's though which creeped me out, he had hazel eye's and he was wearing basketball shorts and a white tank top "bye" Cristle said waving to me i waved back and quickly drove home.

*Cristles P.O.V*

I said bye to Louis and he went back home. I ran over to Jesse jumping into his arms and kissing his cheek, "Oh my god i missed you so much" i mumbled into his shoulder as he swung me around. Jesse looked extremely mad at Caden i just didn't know why. We got into their car and Jesse was driving giving Eric a glair here and there. He stopped the car at my favorite place to get food which was Nandos

We walked into Nandos and walked up to a lady "reservation for Jesse sitting 4" Jesse said "Ok follow me" the lady said. She had dark brown hair almost black light green eyes and a sweet smile she seemed really nice. She led us to a table and the boys sat next to each other i sat next to Kody across from Jesse she sat across from Caden and he was acting weird i have to admit. We had dinner and got back into the car. "can i talk to you alone" Eric said looking at Kody "um... sure" she said as he grabbed her hand  and walked her away from us

."Whats going on" i asked Jesse " you'll see just about now" he said moving his hand threw his black hair and giving me a sad smile. I looked over at Kody and saw her fall to her knees head in her hand Caden said something then walked away. He got into his car and drove away just like nothing had happened. I ran over to Kody and started rubbing soothing circles on her back.

on the run [Niall Horan] FINISHED EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now