Chapter 9 ~ going home

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Chapter 9~ Going home

**Cristle's P.O.V.**

I woke up in the white room i blinked a couple time to focus and saw that i was in the hospital room still and there was a blond Irish boy sleeping in the chair next to my white uncomfortable bed. i started to sit up and then it hit me... all the pain in my lower back where they did the surgery. I whimpered in pain and that must have woke up Niall cuz he woke up and pressed the red button. A nurse calmly walked in to the room with a cup of water and some pain killers. "take these sweetie" she said calmly handing me the water and pills. "Thanks" I said swallowing the pills and drinking the rest of my water.

"How ya feelin" Niall asked looking me strait in the eyes. "Worried" I responded brushing my hair with my fingers. "Bout Kody" he rubbed the back of his neck "well she should be here" he smiled "wait what" I said sitting up my pain had finally lowered to a bearable state. Niall got up and walked over to the door and turned the silver handle and a overly happy Kody came running to my bedside Niall and Liam trailed behind her.

"Oh my god Kody are you ok" I asked pulling her into a hug. "I'm fine" she laughed playing with my curls. "what happened" I asked pushing her hand away "hey boys can us girls have some privacy" she asked shooing them away. they walked out of the room closing the doors behind them, "so tell me" I said shoving her playfully. she just looked at me with sad eyes and lifted her shirt up to show me her tummy. It had bruises all over it and she looked like she hadn't eaten in months. She was the type of girl that lost weight fast so she had to eat or she would look like she did now. My mouth dropped just looking at it I pulled her into another hug and we both cried just cried, we cried out all the pain that we had felt in our lives, all the shit that has happened. and in that moment we felt that it was ok to feel bad for ourselves We just cried for about 30 minutes when Niall and Liam came in asking what was wrong we didn't respond, they knew we didn't want to talk So they just comforted us.

We calmed down and a nurse came in with a pile of clothes. " here are you're clothes sweetie" she said handing me my pajamas. "Thanks" I smiled grabbing the clothes "ok let let the girl change" Kody said shooing the boys out of the room and closing the door behind her.

I sat on the edge of the bed and took off the crappy dress they had me in and slipped on my black leggings and my tank-top and walked out of the room "holy shit it's snowing" I said looking out the window "yeah here" Niall said giving me his jacket "you'll get cold" I said trying to hand it back to him. "no I won't trust me" he said finishing the signing out papers "DONE" he yelled running up to the front desk. "lets go" I sang as they weeled me out of the doors in the wheelchair that the hosbitle let us use.We finally got to the van. We got into the car and waited for everyone to get seated and bunkled. We finally started driving. I layed my head on the window and went into a dreamless sleep.

"Wake up, Cristle" I heard a Irish voice say shaking me slowly. "what" I said laying back down on the seat of the car. "come on we're home" he said shaking me a little more "carry me" I said lifting my arms up he just laughed and I felt two strong lifting me up from the seat. He carried me in bridal style and before I knew it Niall put me onto my bed. I felt a soft blanket fall on top of me and I fell into another dreamless sleep. 

"Hey Cristy, wake up. Breakfast is ready" i hear Louis say i growned and rolled over "what time is it?"  i muttered into my pillow "one" he grinned i gasped sitting up frantically realising that it had been exactilly 3 weeks sense my sergery, all the boys had gone home to see their familys before they headed on tour. If Louis is here that mean all of them must be." Louis! I missed you" i muttered pulling him into a hug he just squeezed me tighter then threw me over his shoulder "hey Lou put me down" i yelled punching his back he carried me to the living room and sat me on the couch next to Niall and Kody. Louis stepped onto the coffee table "LISTEN" he yelled everyone looked at him "WE'VE GOTTA PACK WERE LEAVING TOMORROW MORNING" he finished jumping on top on me and Niall. "get the fuck off us" Niall yelled pushing Louis onto the floor. "I'm gonna pack Kody follow" i said dragging kody behind me. We walked to our room and i sat her on the bed "i think i like Niall" Kody's mouth dropped. "Awwww" she sang standing up and grabbing 2 suitcases out from under the bed i did the same and started packing. I packed 2 suitcases and put them by the door Kody did the same "ready to go" i asked she just nodded.

I looked at the clock by my bed it was 10:23 i decided to take a shower. i Grabbed some leggings and a tank top then I walked across the hall and into the bathroom i turned the water on and waited for it to warm up. I got into the shower that was not quite hot enough for my liking so i turned up the heat. why do we have like 25 different types of shampoo hmm Harry duh i m gonna read the back of this 'lather rinse repeate' why do i have to repeate was the product so shitty it didn't work the first time. Hold the fuck up i have to write a fanfic in my head really quick. wait did i already wash my hair better safe then sorry. shit i washed it again well played panteen pro well played. i turned the water off and stepped out of the shower i dried off and blowedryed my hair. When my hair was almost dry i put it into a messy bun and put my pj's on. i walked into our room and layed on my bed Kody was already asleep i soon fell sleep aswell.


 HAPPY HALLOWEEN  i know its a day late. but its Halloween so whatever <33333

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