Chapter 10 ~ Leaving

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 Chapter 10 ~ Water Balloons 

~*~*~*~Cristles P.O.V~*~*~*~*~

 ~*~*~*~*~Cristle's P.O.V~*~*~*~*~*~

"Cristle wake up" a Irish voice said slighty shaking me. "No" i mumbed into my pillow. "i knew you were gonna be like this so i made a plan get up or were gonna have to do this the hard way" he said i didnt reply i just tried going back to sleep. Niall chuckled and left the room. I heard the door open again so i opend my eyes to see who it was this time. It was the boys and Kody, Kody had a bucket and the boys had 2 buckets. My eyes went wide then BAM i was soaked. They had water balloons my jaw droped as Kody ran over to me with her bucket. I grabbed one and threw it strait at the Irish lad. "Oi" he yelled throwing one at me but it missed and hit Kody her jaw droped "WAR" she yelled grabbing water balloons and throwing them at the boys "Oi this isnt fair" Zayn yelled "isnt fair for you you have 5 soldiers and we have 2 now what isnt fair" i asked throwing a balloon at him. He ducked and it hit Harry "Hey watch the curls"  he yelled throwing one back at me i ducked and it hit the wall "haha you mi-" a water balloon hit me right in the face darn Niall. I decided to try my acting skills. I made my bottom lip tremble and put my head in my hands. "Oh shoot im sorry i didnt mean to hit you that hard" he said walking over to me, right when his hand touched my back i burst out in laughter. "Don't trick me like that" he said making all the boys laugh. "Well get ready we gotta go in 30 miniuts." Liam said shooing all the boys out and closing the door after him.

I walked to my dresser and grabbed some sweats and ran down the hall and into Niall's room. I opened his closet my jaw dropped in aw damn that that boy has alot of clothes. I grabbed at black fox tshirt and walked back to my room. I slipped on the t-shirt and walked across the hall to the bathroom. I brushed my brown hair and put it into a messy bun i didnt do any makup because i was going to be stuck on a plane for who knows how many hours. I walked into the living room and everyone was dressed just about the same Niall, Liam, Zayn and Harry had sweats and a t-shirt on while Louis had on some fuzzy famly guy pj pants on and a t- shirt. I sat down and started watching the x-factor with them. Kody walked out in some leggins and a t-shirt and sat down next to me she had her blonde hair in a pony tail and a little bit of maskara on.

She sat down next to me and started watching the X-Factor with us. We were on a comertial about pig no joke. Somebody knocked at the door and Liam stood up to go and get it. He walked over to the door and talked for awile then came back "Time to go" he almost yelled grabbing as many suitcases as he could. I walked by the door and grabbed all my suitcases.. We got into the limo i sat by Kody, Kody by Liam, Liam by Niall, Niall by Harry, Harry by Zayn and Zayn by Louis. Everyone had there own little coversations going but i was lost in thoughts, I need to do something it's inportant. I really dont know what i'm doing i love Jesse don't get me wrong but i just dont feel like i can trust him im gonna be gone for a awful long time i mean what if he hooks up with some random girl and my feeling for Niall are getting stronger everyday. I mean Kody is happy i dont really know what her and Liam are gonna do they oviously like eachother an he kissed when they found her and never talked about it after, he just forgot it like it was nothing. You do not do that to a girl i know she is confused but at the moment im more confused then ever. I took my IPhone out of my pocket and went to the text icon.

To: Jesse <3

Hey im leaving for tour wanna say good bye come to the airport we will be at wing 81 i need to tell you sompthing its important.......

From: Jesse <3 

Ok im on my way babe see you there in 15 love you.

I went to Jesse's contact and clicked the edit butten i changed his name from 'Jesse <3' to 'Jesse'

on the run [Niall Horan] FINISHED EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now