Chapter 19 ~ im gonna miss you

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"Um Niall i-i" i mutter "come on love birds we are here" Louis said pulling me out of my seat leaving Niall there without a awnser.

Once we were off the plane we signed more shirts CD's and anything els also took about ninety photos.

"Bye" i says tears brimming my eyes as i hug Kody "im gonna miss you so much" i cry. "Im gonna miss you too" she sobbed. "Don't forget to text me call me skype anything" i say pulling away from the hug.

"I will" she says i walk over to El and pull her into a hug "im sorry" she mumbles into my hair. "For what?" i ask "for being a bitch you know i hate how i have treated everyone i-im sorry" she crys.

"Its fine i forgive you." i mumle i feel her smile "dont cry" we say at the same time before laughing "skype me text me ok" i smile she nods before i walk over to Harry.

"Harry" i say as he turns around to face me "i know i havent really talked to you that much, i honestly didnt think you liked me that much and i- i guess i was afraid that you didn't" i mumble as he pulles me into a hug.

I was a little suprised at first but huged him back. "I do not hate you i-i guess im just being a shy arse and i was afraid that i would mess up i guess" he mumbles. I nod going in for another hug.

"I will text you ok?" he whispers and i nodd i walk over to Louis. He imedietly pulled me into a hug and i huged back.

"Im going to miss you so so much" i say tears slowly flowing down my face.

"Oh cristy I'm going to miss you to" he says eyes brining with water. "thanks" "for what" he askes "for being there for me when I need it for for everything I love you and it means so much." I cry

"Oh Cristle don't cry I will always be here for you no matter what" a smile grows on my face "see you in two weeks" I ask

He nodded "ill text you ok" I laughed "please do" he playfully punched my shoulder before I went over to Zayn.

"I'm gonna miss you" he says taking me off gard. he is always so quiet, "I'm gonna miss you too" I say tears slowly falling down my face.

I never knew how much Zayn ment to me before right now. He hasn't said much but he still means so much to me.

I pull him into a hug "will you keep in touch" I ask "of course" he nods i pull away from the hug giving him one last smile before going to Liam.

"Lili" I say running over to him. he opens his arms which I run into. "I don't know what I'm gonna do without your advise" I cry.

"Don't cry I'll see you in two weeks and inbetween that we can text, Skype whatever you want"

I nodd knowing he is saying the truth "I'm still going to miss you" I say.

"Well love my plane is leaving and the other boys are to so i will call you" he says.

We all say our last good byes before going to the lobby where Nialls parents are waiting. We walk down some hallways leading there. Niall had on glasses a hat and a hood to help hide him.

"Niall my baby" a older lady says running up to him and giving him a hug. She looked at me "Im Maura and you must be Cristle" i noded she pulled my into a huge "oh im so happy to finally meet you" she said "Im happy to meet you to" i say

"Well lets go" she laughes taking my right hand while Niall takes my left one.

-At the house-

We walked up to a sweet house with a homey feel. It reminded me of my parents. "Niall, love show her to her room while i get dinner started" Maura smiled. Niall nodded grabing my hand pulling me up some staires.

"So this is your room" he said motioning to a nice room it had a queen size bed with a blue and black blanket on it and a closet. "It was my brothers room" He laughed "and here is my room so if you need anything ill be in there or in the kitchen."

I laughed at this "Nialler" i say "Mhmm" he mummers "i will be your girlfriend" a huge grin goes on his face as he pulls me into a huge hug.

"I love you" he mumbles into my hair "love you to" i say. "Niall" Maura calls from the kichen Niall pulls me down the stairs with him "Ya" he askes

"we are out of well everything so do you just wanna pick some nandos up and ill get stuff tomorrow. Niall nodded grabbing some keys and giving me a quick kiss on the lips before walking out the door.

"So do you wanna look at baby pictures" she asked i quickly nodded i sat down on the couch as she got a huge picture book out of under a cabnet.

She sat down next to me opening the book up. "Aww i love this one" she pointed to a photo of Niall in his highchair with cake all over his face and the number one candle on his head.

"He was so cute" she said "he still is" i laughed

"you really love him dont you?" she asked i nodded feeling a blush running to my face. "He loves you to" she mumbled 

We looked threw more photos some of him being crazy and some of him being just.....him.

"Im home" Niall yelled threw out the house. Maura quickly shut the photo book and sliding it under her bum.

"What are you both doing" Niall askes cocking a eyebrow

"Nothing" Maura and i say in unison making eye contact before looking back at Niall.

"Son just go put the food on the table we will be in there in a min." she says shooing him away. Once he walkes into the other room We both burst out laughing.  Maura puts the book away and we go into the dinning room.

"Thanks Niall" i say he smiles in return.

-:-:-:-Kody's POV-:-:-:-

After El and i went to her aunts house unpacked we decided on going for a walk. "El i have a bad feeling" i tell her feeling that feeling in my gutt.

"Its fine" she says i nodd not knowing what els to say but then out of nowhere John pops out and he has a gun. "El" i screen seeing him point the gun at her then me.

The gun makes the clicking sound that means he is ready to pull the trigger that was still pointed at me. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact.

I heard the loud bang and screemed but the impact never came. I opend my eyes and see Eleanor on the ground bleeding profusly. "El" i cry "I love you Kody always remember that" she says cetching her breath.

"Im calling the cops and i love you so so much" i say tears poaring down my face. I look up and John is gone.

I pull out my phone and diall 999 i tell them what happend and where we were. I slam my finger on the end butten hugging El "Kody stay strong and get Harry i know he loves you." she mutters "but im gonna go to sleep" she startes to close her eyes

"No Eleanor stay with me please.El wake up" i yell slighly shaking her. And by the time the cops get here she is already gone.


So Eleanor is dead mhhh I honestly am not proud with this chapter its just kinda like a filler till the last part of it.

Well i have some stuff going on so i dont know if i will be able to update for two weeks but i most likly will just keep your eyes out. 


Some questions!!

1-What will Kody do now where will she stay?

2- is Eleanor actullt dead or just almost?

3- What is Louis gonna think when he finds out about his ex being dead?

~ Destany

on the run [Niall Horan] FINISHED EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now