Chapter 27

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~Nialls POV~

"Oh well hello to you to" i smile walking over to the love of my life yet she doesnt remember me. 

"Hey hey im glad your back" he smiles pulling me into a hug. 

"Hey bab- Cristle" i say correcting myself, "So your the famous Niall Horan that these boys speek of" she smiles standing up. 

 We sit down me inbetween them, She looks so  beautiful perfect to be exact. "Can you guys tell me about the old me?" she asks blushing and looking at her feet.

"Course" i smile "You, oh my gosh how am i even going to start this. The moment i met you i instently feel in love with you. It was like a spark had just erupted i guess. You had this amazing personality and if you wanted to you could talk for hours." i say going back to memories.

"You hated being alone" i say looking over at her. She had tears in her eyes. 

"Wha-what did i do im sorry" i say panicking. "Nothing Ni its just that i wish this never had happened" she whispers "Neither do i" i smile agreeing to her. 

"Do you hate me like this?" she looks up "Like this way, you know not remembering anything" she sighs 

"Of course i dont hate you" i say "No matter what happened and what your forgot you are still the same Cristle that i love" 

A tear falls down my face, more following. I put my face in my hands. Tears soaking my palms. 

I feel a hand on my back its Cristles. "I-i" she stutters before not speaking again. 

"Im sorry" i sniffle rubbing my eyes and looking up at her. "For?" she says blinking away her tears. 

"for leaving, i just couldnt possably see you in pain cuz it hurt me so i left and i shouldnt have i know im just so so sorry" i rant feeling as if my world is falling a apart. 

 "I- Niall, i know i dont remember well anything but you seemed to really love me" she whispers

Seemed? Past tense?

"I still do love you" i say furrowing my eyebrows.

"No you dont love me you love the old me. I know this is hard for you but i asked liam if i could move in with him sense you were never there and i hardly know you. It just seems safer for me to move out" 

I stare at her, her words finally catching up to me. 

"F-fine" i stutter holding in the tears. 

"Niall im really sor-" she begins but i cut her off leting everything flowing through my mind escape.

"No listen i said it was fine. We have been through so much, my mum fucking loves you i fucking love you, Goodbye Cristle" i yell tears falling down my cheeks as i walk over to the door grabbing the suitcase and walking out of the flat.

I get into my car driving to Harry and Lou's shared flat. 

I have put so much into our relationship to have it ruined. Its all my fault if i wouldnt have left she wouldnt be all over Liam. 

If i would have stayed maybe, Just maybe she would be all over me again.

Maybe she could love me again.

If i wouldnt have messed up so fucking badly. 

Before i know it im at Lou and Harry's house standing at the door.

I knock three times waiting for Harry to open the door sense i know Louis isnt here.

The door swings open but i dont see Harry standing there.

"Kody" i smile pulling her into a hug.

"What happened why have you been crying" she asks looking at my bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks. 

"Nothing" i say not wanting to explain it over again but before i can stop myself i blurt "She doesnt love me anymore" causing more tears to fall down my face,

"Oh my gosh Niall" she whispers grabbing my hand and leading me inside.

We sit on the couch facing eachother. 

"Okay now what exactilly happened" she says, 

"I went back to her and we were talking then she said You used to love me. or something along thoes lines then i said Cristle i do love you and she was like You love the old me, she is moving in with Liam" i cry putting my head in my hands.

"Liam fucking Liam" i shout startling her, but im heart broken i cant help it,

"Niall she isnt herself anymore she isnt my bestfriend anymore" she whispers looking down at her hands 

"I want her back i love her so fucking much" i whisper feeling my eyes begin to droop. "I love her" i whisper laying back agenst the couch. 

She grabs my phone unlocking it with ease, "she's still your lock screen" she comments I nod to myself my eyes filling with tears, "in that moment of that picture I was truly happy, when I look at it every moment with her plays through my head and for that moment I'm happy again, but then it ends and I'm just back to where I started" I explain a few tears falling from my eyes."

"How about you get some sleep, Harry should be back by the time you wake up" she says and i nod sleep over taking me.


I open my eyes, im still on the couch and it dark, 

I sit up letting my eyes adjust to the darkness before walking into Harry's kitchen. I feel horrible having to cancel concerts for someone who doesnt love me anymore. Maybe she never did.

A tear falls from my eye as i grab a mug from the cabnet before putting back. I dont have much a apitite. Im just tired. I want to sleep and never wake up.

"Niall?" i hear Harry's voice say. I turn around looking over at him "huh" i ask leaning on the counter

"What are you doing up, its 2 in the morning" he yawns. 

"Nothing, im going back to bed so should you" i say my voice cracking. 

"Niall mate, she'll come around just give her time." i hear him say but i shake my head 

"she is falling for Liam" i whimper 

"Liam has Sophia, he doesnt like Cristle like that" he says standing next to me

"But she likes him" 

"Possibly or she just thinks she does, give her time mate and get some sleep" he says walking back up the stares.

i send him a glare making my way back to the couch.

i lay down memories flooding my mind.

Memories of when we were happy and in love.

When we were in love.

When she loved me.

I get snapped out of my thoughts by my phone buzzing.

Cristle was calling.

I click answer. "Hello?" i say hoping my voice doesnt crack again "Niall i think i remember something" my eyes go wide. 

Does she remember us?

- Hey loves, its been forever i know. i really dont like this story anymore but im gonna keep writing it just to get it over with so i lowered it down to 29 chapters and a endulog. Then i will start up on my new book called "Being Eleanor Calder for a Summer' and also a Larry fanfic after i finish that one. I really love you guys.


on the run [Niall Horan] FINISHED EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now