Chapter 12 | The Encounter

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"Sting?! I thought you were better than this!!!" Natsu said, stepping up beside me. "I WAS. But when it comes to food for my family-I have to provide." He said.

"YOU DON'T HAVE A FAMILY!" Natsu said. "I have a class and I COUNT them as my family!!!" He said. "They can provide for themselves!!! Plus- wouldn't they be backing you if they saw you as family?!" He asked.

"Yukino is waiting for my signal to come in." Sting said. "That's ONE person!!!" Natsu said. "Just give me all of your supplies and we don't have to go through this song and dance." Sting said.

"That ain't happenin'!" I said, stepping in. "While I don't know who you are, or what history you have with these other people, you will NOT take all of our supplies. We offered you some, but you were too greedy to take some peacefully and not take ALL. So, we WILL fight to keep our supplies." I said.

"You asked for it." He sliced with his sword. I ducked under it and pulled out my knife, which would probably do no good against a sword.

"Let me deal with this jerk!!!" Natsu said. "Suit yourself." I said, stepping back. "FIRE DRAGON ROOOAAAAR!!!" He said, flames coming OUT OF HIS MOUTH!!!

"Whoa!! How does he do that?!!" I asked. "He was born with it. There were few people born with it. I know the last names of the families who have magic." Lucy added. "Yeah?! Who are they?!" I asked.

"Dragneel-who is Natsu. Marvel who is a little girl named Wendy who heals. Eucliff, which is Sting, though I don't know why he's holding back. Cheney, who is Stings best friend, Rogue. And a guy named Cobra, who is third generation who doesn't really count. Oh yeah, and Redfox, and it's unknown." She explained.

"Did you just say Redfox?!" I asked. "Yeah... Why?" She asked. "My last name is Redfox..." I said. "Whoa, really? How come you don't know about your powers?!" She asked.

I looked back to the fight, trying to avoid the question. Natsu was beating this guy senseless, though Sting was finally using his magic. "Why can't you use your magic?" Lucy repeated. "I lost my memory when I was 12. I was probably trained, I just don't remember it." I said. 

"Well let's beat the memories back in your head!" Levy teased. I laughed slightly, not taking my eyes off the fight.

Sting seemed to be proving himself a worthy enemy. His magic was white, which was strange. "Hey, Rogue!!! Yukino!! Take care of them!!!" Sting yelled.

"Oh no you DON'T!!!" Natsu yelled. A guy with black hair came in, along with a girl with short, white hair.

"I'm takin' on this Rogue fella. He looks the hardest. You guys stay back." I said. "I'll fight Yukino." Lucy said. "I'll help. I dabble in magic myself, even IF I'm not a dragon slayer." She said.

I took off, my knife in hand. Suddenly, dark magic got shot at my chest. It knocked me down, but I got right back up and threw the knife. He dodged it. Great. Now I was down a weapon.

"I've heard of the Redfox's. You have amazing power. Come on, use it. Didn't Metalicana teach you anything?" Rogue asked. Metalicana?

 Suddenly, the memories came flooding back. I remembered my training, I remembered exactly what to do. I'd been trained by a dragon, a metal dragon.

"IRON DRAGON ROOOAAAAR!!!" I roared, iron coming out of my mouth hitting Rogue. I ran up, turning my arm into an iron sword-type thing, and hitting him with it.

"Thanks for reminding me of who I was. Too bad that put you at a disadvantage!" I said.


"Open, gate of the two fish! Pices!" Yukino said, pulling out a golden key. Two giant fish appeared. "Pices-attack!!!" She commanded.

"Solid script magic! Fire!" I shot fire at it while Lucy pulled out a key as well. "I dabble in celestial magic as well. Open, gate of the golden bull! Tarus!" She commanded. A giant cow appeared, wielding an axe.

"What can I doo for yooou, Miss Luuucy?" Tarus asked. "Attack the snakes!" She commanded. "Your magic is so cool!" I said.

"Yeah? Well, it's draining because I don't use it that much." She said. "Hm.." I said. So, Tarus attacked the left one while I attacked the right snake.


Natsu and I had got 'em good. They were now standing there, slightly hunched over, catching their breath. "Nice work." I said to Natsu. "You too. Didn't know you were a dragon slayer, too!" He said. "I didn't know I was, either. It's a long story." I said.

"You guys are tuff, I'll admit that." Sting said. I huffed. "Light drive." He said, white magic forming around him. "Shadow drive." Rogue said, shadow magic forming around him.

Rogue turned into a shadow, almost invisible. I got punched in the back. I turned and swiped with my iron claw thing, but it did nothing, because he was already gone.

I glanced at Natsu, who was also getting overwhelmed. Now Rogue stood in front of me. I ran up and tried to attack, but he simply disappeared, already retreating.

This was going to be a hard battle.

*Author's Note*

Yes, I AM kinda recreating the battle from the Grand Magic Games, but don't worry, it won't be exactly the same!

But thank you guys for reading this chapter, if you liked it, either hit that vote button or let me know in the comments, and I will see you all in the next chapter!

~Angel Lynn~

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