Chapter 15 | Wendy?

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A few minutes after I left Levy, I turned to Pantherlily. "Wanna go in there with her? Make sure she's okay?" I asked. "I guess I don't have a choice..." He said.

"Okay, sweet!" I said, grabbing him, rubbing his little head as I carried him to the room. I opened the door, and put him in, leaving it cracked so if something happened he could get out to notify us.

"What's wrong with her?" Lucy asked. "When the bomb hit, she got cut by a piece of glass, and apparently it hasn't healed yet." I said. "She can recover from some stupid glass, can't she?!" Natsu asked. I glared at him, a death stare. He was saying that she wasn't strong.

After what felt like long enough, I left my gaze. "How about we see if there's anything on TV?" Natsu asked, turning it on. To my surprise, the news channel was active, though they no longer filmed in their normal place or in HD might I add.

"...Apocalypse has started. Several people were killed by the blast, and it's incredibly too dangerous to get anywhere NEAR where it hit due to gasses and radiation. We've already witnessed several cases of people fighting for supplies. People-the apocalypse is upon us. Stay inside your homes and ration your food so you don't have to go out." The newslady said.

Natsu cut it off, rolling his eyes. "We already know all that stuff." He said. We sat in silence for a minute. "Lucy-didn't you say there was a dragon slayer with healing magic?" I asked. "Yeah. But I don't where she is. She can't heal herself, so she's probably dead if she didn't find someone to help her." Lucy said.

"How about we go looking for her?" I asked. "I know her scent!" Natsu said. "Okay.. Is it that urgent?" Lucy asked. "Yeah." I said. "Okay. You boys go, I'll stay with Levy." She said. "Okay, sounds good to me." I said.

"I'm coming, too. I have to find Carla!" Happy said. "Who?" I asked. "Her exceed.." Lucy said. "So all dragon slayers have cats?!" I asked. "Most of them, yes. Sting and Rogue do, you guys do." She said.

"Hm. Well, let's go!" I said.


Natsu went airborne with Happy while I scoured the ground, though I wasn't sure who I was supposed to be looking for.

"I SMELL HER!!!" Natsu said. "I'LL FOLLOW YOU!!!" I yelled. I followed him while he was in the air. Finally, he started to descend. It took a while to catch up to him, but I did.

When we landed we were at a barn-like shelter. It was very small, but could be used as a home.

"HEY! ANYONE HOME?!!" Natsu yelled. "Shut up!" I snapped. "MAKE ME!" He said. "SHHHH!" A voice said from inside.

"Can we come in?" Natsu asked. "Yeah." He whispered. We walked in. There was a boy about 12 with a girl the same age with blue hair. She was lying down, bruises and wounds all over her, sleeping.

"Romeo!!!" He said. "Natsu!!! I thought you mighta died! But you're too stubborn for that!" Romeo said. "Yeah, I am. But what about Wendy?" Natsu asked. "She's not doing so good. She got a few fatal hits." Romeo said.

"Did you bring the bandages?!" Natsu asked, turning to me. "No, I didn't expect this." I said quickly. "Happy-go back and get us the bandages." He said. "Aye, sir!" Happy said, flying away.

"Who is this?" Romeo asked, gesturing to me. "Gajeel." I said. "We just met him. A friend of Lucy's internet friend." Natsu explained. "Oh.. That's... Complicated..." He said. I nodded.

After a few minutes, Happy brought the bandages. "Who knows how to apply these?" Natsu asked. When Romeo didn't offer I huffed, grabbed the bandaging and got to work.

In about fifteen minutes I had everything bandaged that needed it. I had blocked out Natsu and Romeo's conversation. I was so focused I didn't even realize it.

I sat back, relieved that I finished and did a good job. "When will she get up?" Natsu asked. "I dunno, I'm not a doctor." I said.

Natsu sighed. "But hey-do you guys want to stay with us?" Natsu asked. Crap, he shouldn't have asked that! We don't have any room and not enough food for all of us for a while.

"We're okay here. Your house is small, there wouldn't be enough room." Romeo said. I mentally sighed. "We can make it work!" Natsu said. "Is there any way we could move this thing closer to your house?" He asked. Good thinking!

"It's one of those storage buildings, it has wheels. Wendy and I moved it, but she just sky dragon roared it until it got here." He said.

"Well, all three of us should be able to move it." Natsu said. The storage building WAS nice. It was two story! They had themselves a little playhouse set up!

So, we did just that, moving slowly so that we wouldn't disturb Wendy too much. It was hard to push, but thank goodness there was a good amount of openings.

Finally, we got it within a walking distance of Natsu's place. "Okay, that should be good." Natsu said, stretching.

"Yeah." Romeo said. "Well, whenever Wendy gets up and is feeling better, let us know. We've got somebody she might need to heal." Natsu said. "Oh, okay. She'll be happy to do it, I'm sure." He said.

"Just make sure she's awake and good and doesn't force herself to before you mention it." Natsu said. "Right." Romeo said. I started walking away, letting them have their little pow-wow.

So, Levy didn't get help AFTER all. Great...

*Author's Note*

Let's hope Wendy is okay! And yes, I know, it's a little impractical, but I've always seen these storage buildings and thought-"Hey! You could LIVE in those!" So yeah, that's what's happening!

Also, isn't Gajeel just the best nurse? No, Wendy is, but still!

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed that, thanks for reading, and I'll see you all next time!

~Angel Lynn~

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