Chapter 18 | Gajeel Why?

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Things started getting really cramped after Erza brought her friends to stay with us. The dining room was now temporarily a bedroom, and I was permanently staying with Lucy now. Gajeel and Lily STILL had the living room, now along with Natsu because Erza got his bed.

"We've got to go get more food." Natsu announced a few days later at "breakfast". "I'm in!" Gajeel said. "I'll come!" I offered. "We need someone to stay here." I said. "We will." Jellal said, offering him and Meredy to stay.

"Yeah." Meredy agreed. "Okay, the rest of us go, then!" Lucy said. We all got ready to go, and there wasn't much to that. I got my knife in hand. Lily just climbed onto my shoulder. Happy and Natsu got ready to fly.

Wendy and Romeo wanted to come to, when we told them, so they came along as well. We were a big group. "We should probably split up, draw less attention." Wendy suggested.

"Okay!" Natsu said, throwing his arm around Lucy. Lucy rolled her eyes, slight blush on her face. I wanted to tease her so bad, but I fought it. Wendy and Romeo went together (AWW) along with Carla (poor Wendy). Erza went solo, saying she'd be fine. We agreed-she's strong.

So, then it was just me and Gajeel. It'd been a while since we'd been truly alone together. We all went our separate ways. Lily had ended up deciding to stay back because he couldn't do anything.

We walked for a while in awkward silence. "Hey, is that a town up ahead?" I asked. He squinted, looking. "Looks like it." He said, fastening his pace.

I followed him. "Okay, stay back here, I'll make sure there's no one there." Gajeel said. "Okay..." I said. He took off. I smiled at his protectiveness. Little did I know...


I searched the place, it seemed to be empty of people, but had a good amount of supplies. After about 10 minutes, I headed back to Shrimp. "It's safe!" I said. Then, I squinted. There were two other people there, fighting her.


As soon as Gajeel left, two people approached me. I swallowed. It was the people I'd watched kill that family. "Where'd your little friend go? Did he get tired of you?" The girl with the bombs asked. I crossed my arms confidently, refusing to answer. They didn't need to know.

"We don't need to intimidate her. She can feel how strong we are." The guy with the scar on his eye said. "What do you want from me?" I asked. "We want your supplies. Where's your base?" He asked. "I'm not telling you." I said.

He struck me with lightning. Whoa. How?! I screamed. "Solid Script Magic! Fire!!!!" I yelled, sending fire at him. He laughed and blocked it. Suddenly black magic hit me.

So that wasn't bombs... It was pure magic energy! "Solid Script Magic! Swords!" Swords flew at both of them. They got hit a few times, but I was bruised all over.

We went back and forth like that for a few minutes before lightning scar guy got mad. His magic built up, lightning strikes all around him, and he sent them flying at me, something I knew would be fatal, but I couldn't move. It was coming to fast.

Then, it all happened too fast. "LEVY!" Gajeel yelled. Then, I saw his body in front of me, his iron arm up to block the attack. His arm was now smoking. I could tell that hit had jolted him. "Hate to join the party like this, but here I am. Let's have some fun." Gajeel said, then thrusted his iron arm at Lightning-Scar, hitting him in the side. "IRON DRAGON ROAR!" He roared at the girl we thought had the bombs.

He grabbed my arm and we ran back for the supplies. We shoved stuff in my bag, both of exhausted and rushed at the same time.

Then we ran out the back of the city, making a circle to head back to the base. When we got pretty far from the city, we stopped to catch our breath. I was leaning over, but Gajeel sat down.

"You okay?" I choked out. "I'm fine." He said. His arm was burned from where the lightning had hit him. After a minute, we got up and began walking again. Suddenly, Gajeel fell forward. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!" I said, leaning down with him.

"Are you okay?! Gajeel!" I called. He started trying to get up. "I'll help you walk, it's fine." I said. "Don't push yourself for me, Shrimp." He said as I started helping him. We were going very slow because he was heavy, even if I was only getting half his body weight.

"Well, I don't see you getting anywhere yourself." I said. He huffed. I couldn't see his face, but he was probably embarrassed that a girl was having to help him.

Finally, I could see the house. I was exhausted. I had to get there fast. Finally, I reached the doorknob, but I couldn't open it. "Hey! Can someone open the door?!" I asked. "Coming." Erza's voice said. The door opened. "Are you guys alright?" She asked, wide eyed.

"Do we LOOK alright?" I asked, helping Gajeel to the couch. He took it from there while I caught my breath. "Have the others gotten back?" I asked, sitting down in the chair.

"No, but I'm sure their fine." Erza said. "I wouldn't be so sure. We ran into two really powerful people." I said. "I can tell. Did you beat them?" She asked. I held up my bag of supplies in response. "Barely. We just got them down for five seconds and ran." I said, remembering Gajeel jumping in front of me.

"I'm going to get the bandages." I said. "No need. You're injured, I'll get them." Erza said. I sighed. She got them and handed them to me. "Thank you." I said.

Then, I went over to Gajeel. "Bandage yourself first." He said. "No, I don't need it as urgently as you do." I said. "You've had your wounds longer." He argued. "It's fine, save your breath, you can't change my mind." I said.

He huffed while I began bandaging his arm. He winced. "Sorry. You shouldn't have done that for me." I said. "You woulda died with that hit. I had to." He said. "Well, thanks." I said, continuing to bandage him.

Suddenly, the door opened. "How did it go for YOU guys?" Erza asked, seeing Natsu and Lucy walk in, a little bruised. "Great! We ran into some people, but they were easy to fight!" Natsu said. "It took us an hour!!!" Lucy argued.

"It was more fun that way!" Natsu argued. She rolled her eyes. "What happened to you guys?!" Lucy asked, seeing us over in the corner. "Things. We bumped into some powerful people." I said.

"Oh..." She said. "How are Wendy and Romeo?" I asked. "They haven't made it back yet?" Natsu asked. "No." I said.

"I'm going to look for 'em!" Natsu said, taking off. "Whaaa?!" I asked. "I'll have to go, too." Erza said. "I guess I'm coming, too, then.." Lucy said. So, now me and Gajeel were alone, for Jellal and Meredy were in the other room.

When I was done with his arm, I started bandaging myself. But my wounds were nothing compared to his. Then, I took my supplies and put them in the kitchen, along with Natsu and Lucy's bag of supplies.

*Author's Note*

Not very final of a chapter, but yeah.. What happened to Wendy and Romeo? So many questions, but no answers. Maybe next chapter those answers will come...? Hopefully!

But anyway, thank you for reading, and I will see you all in the next chapter!

~Angel Lynn~

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