Chapter 13 | The Battle Of A Lifetime

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Rogue went back into shadow mode. "I can defeat you easily." He said. I turned in the direction of his voice and swung my iron arm, extending it. He simply vanished and punched me from behind.


Sting punched me repeatedly, at a speed I didn't think was possible. Finally, he stopped once I'd fallen onto the ground.


"You can never catch a shadow." Rogue said. I turned and reached out, grabbing his wrist. I saw the shock on his face as his features came into detail. "What's wrong?! You were really confident a second ago." I said.

I punched him in the face with my iron fist and slammed him onto the ground, slamming my foot onto his back.


We got the snakes down. "Open, gate of equal balance! Libra!" Yukino said, summoning a girl. "Open, gate of the lion! Leo!" Lucy said.

So, Leo and Libra fought, though they didn't seem too happy about it. "It should be wrong for spirits to fight other spirits, but we have no choice." Lucy said.

"Yeah, it's like fighting your allies." I agreed. "At least they don't know each other." She said simply.


I attacked Sting with a wing attack, then a powerful roar. "Are you out of juice?!" I asked, seeing him lying on the ground. Him and Rogue got up.

"That was just the beginning." Sting said. Suddenly, their power enhanced. Both of them attacked me at once, their magic sending me flying into a wall, breaking it.


"Natsu!! Hey, Rogue, what are you doin', your fight's with me!!!!!" I yelled. "How rude of me, I got distracted." He said. "I'm insulted!" I said, running up to him as he was running up to me.

"IRON DRAGON ROAR!!!" I said. He yelled something I couldn't hear and our magic met, both of us seemingly roaring.

My breath was running tight. When I couldn't force out any more, his magic hit me powerful and sent my flying into a wall, it crumbling around me.

The building started to shake.

"It's gonna collapse!" Lucy yelled. "Good. Maybe a big piece'll fall on these idiots." Natsu said, standing up. I did the same, climbing out of the rubble.

"We're not going down that easily." Natsu said. "I was hoping this fight would be short, but I changed my mind. This is actually fun." I said.

We attacked, working more TOGETHER now than separate, even IF it was on separate enemies. I felt Natsu's power helping me, and I'm sure the other way around as well.

"IRON DRAGON CLAW!!" I yelled, swiping at Rogue's head. He dodged it and sent shadow magic at me.

I dodged it, jumping over it, sending down a roar on the top of his head. I caused the floor to have a big dent in it, tile falling off and now in dirt.

Natsu seemed to be doing good against his enemy, too, but I didn't have the time to keep updated on his fight. I needed to focus on Rogue.

Rogue struggled to his feet. Suddenly, Sting and Rogue combined power. It fused together, their hands inches apart to do so, and sent it flying at us.

It burned. I screamed as I flew backwards. I hit a wall but that didn't stop me. I kept going until I was outside. But I didn't see Natsu anywhere.

I got up and ran back inside to see fire everywhere, hitting Sting and Rogue repeatedly. "Nice job." I said. "You need to step up your game." Natsu said.

"THIS WAS MY FIRST FIGHT USING MAGIC, GIVE ME SOME CREDIT!!!" I yelled. "Your first fight?!" He asked. "I lost my memory when I was a kid, so I didn't remember how to use any of my magic until now." I explained.

"Ya still did pretty decent." Natsu said. I huffed and crossed my arms. And then, they fell as the smoke cleared. "Okay, let's move on." Lucy said.

"That was fun, guys! Thanks for the entertainment!" Natsu said.

*Author's Note*

That was hard to write, but hope you guys enjoyed it anyway! I know it ended kind of quick, but Natsu IS strong!

Thank you for reading this chapter, and I will see you all in the next one!

~Angel Lynn~

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