C - Chair

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Vic's pov

Finishing up the file I was working on I sighed and looked at the time. It was almost 11pm and I was sitting in my office at home still working. I turned in my chair when Kellin knocked on the door and came in. He had a plate with a sandwich in his hand and walked over to me.

'Vic you need to stop working for the night. You're exhausted and you haven't eaten.' Kellin said and handed me the sandwich.

'Thanks Kells.' I smiled and sighed, putting the plate down on my desk and pulling Kellin onto my lap so he was straddling me. I'd been working hard all month on a case and I wanted to please my boss so I could get a promotion. But the lack of sleep was starting to take it's toll on me.

'Aww babe I hate seeing you like this.' Kellin said and tucked his head into my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and breathed in his sweet smelling scent.

'I'm sorry Kells. I know we haven't spent much time together but after tomorrow when this case is done I'm all yours for the weekend.' I said and ran my fingers soothingly through Kellin's soft, black locks. His pale hands took hold of my face as he lifted his head to look at me and smile.

'I love you so much Viccy.' Kellin said and I smiled back.

'I love you too Kells.' I replied.

'You should eat and then we can go to bed.' Kellin ordered.

'Only if you eat with me. This is looking a bit thin.' I said and poked his stomach. Kellin giggled and held his stomach in his hands.

'Vic shh I'm not thin.' Kellin said and blushed.

'Yes you are but you're perfect and beautiful and sexy. And I want you to eat so you're little booty doesn't shrink.' I said and tapped his ass gently. I loved Kellin's body. He had curves like a girl and it made him fucking adorable.

'Omg okay I'll eat if you stop embarrassing me.' Kellin giggled and hid his face in his hands.

'Deal.' I agreed and reached for the plate and sandwich. I tore it in half and gave one halve to Kellin. He took it in his tiny, pale hands and took a small bite.

'You're cute as fuck.' I chuckled and bopped Kellin on his nose. Kellin looked down at his nose, crossing his eyes and scrunching his nose. This made me burst out into a fit of laughter.

'Oh my fucking God Kellin you're cuteness is gonna kill me!' I laughed. I winced as I laughed and realised my back and shoulders were a little sore. It was no wonder considering I'd been hunched over my desk for hours.

'Vic what's wrong baby?' Kellin asked. He didn't miss a thing.

'Just a little sore from sitting here for hours.' I said.

'Aww my poor baby.' Kellin cooed and brushed my hair from my face. He put his hands on my shoulders and began to massage them. I relaxed instantly.

'God that feels good. You should be a professional Kells.' I sighed happily and Kellin giggled.

'I don't want to massage others. Just you. I love taking care of you. Well, when you'll let me anyway.' Kellin said and I chuckled. I very rarely let Kellin take care of me because I loved to be the one taking care of him so much. He was my adorable, little Kellybear and I wanted to protect him and care for him.

I studied Kellin as he sat on my lap and massaged my shoulders. He was so beautiful. I loved everything about him. His jet black hair, his curves, his big bluey green eyes. He was just as perfect as an angel.

'Um Vic you got a little problem?' Kellin smirked at me.

'Uh no?' I said curiously, wondering what Kellin was going on about.

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