Z - Zoo Dates And Stuffies

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Kellin's pov

'Hey.' Was the first thing Vic said when I walked from my house to his car.

'Hey.' I replied and gave him a shy smile. He returned the smile then walked around to the passenger side and opened the door.

'Hop in.' Vic said, nodding his head towards the car.

'Thanks.' I smiled and jumped up into the passenger seat and buckled myself in. This was so weird. Yeah Vic and I were friends but today Vic was taking me on our first date. There had been flirting for months but just last week at school Vic came up to me at lunch and said he wanted to take me out on a date. Vic was brave like that. He didn't care what anyone thought about him and he was very protective over his family and friends. When he'd asked me out of course I'd said yes. He was kind, funny and extremely hot.

'Right let's get going.' Vic said as he jumped in his seat and started the engine after buckling up.

'Um where are we going?' I asked curiously. Vic had never mentioned where he was taking me.

'The zoo.' Vic looked over and beamed at me.

'Oh cool!' I said excitedly then immediately felt embarrassed and blushed. Although Vic and I were pretty good friends what he didn't know is that I was a little. I chose not to tell anyone at school because they wouldn't understand and if my parents found out they'd probably send me to a psychiatrist.

'You sure? I didn't know if it was a lame idea or not so I just went with it.' Vic smiled sheepishly.

'No the zoo sounds cool. I love animals.' I smiled and Vic sighed in relief.

'Me too. Plus I though it would be good to walk around and chat rather than anything awkward like the movies or dinner.' Vic smiled.

'The zoo is a great idea Vic.' I smiled and put my hand on his to reassure him. He looked at me and tucked my hair behind my ear before kissing me quickly on the cheek.

'You're cute.' Vic smirked before turning on the radio and pulling out of my street.

'Th thanks.' I stuttered and blushed which only made Vic chuckle as he sang along to the radio quietly. He was a pretty good singer. After that we spent the thirty minute ride to the zoo just chatting and singing along to the radio. I had thought it might be awkward going on a date with one of my best friends but instead I think it made me more comfortable. Vic and I already knew a lot about each other so we didn't have to go through the awkward getting to know each other stage. We could just carry on as we were and see how our date went.

When we got to the zoo Vic parked the car and we walked up to the admissions desk. We had to wait in line for a minute or so because it was Saturday and it was busy but it didn't take too long. The zoo was a big place and had lots of admission desks to keep everything flowing smoothly.

'Two adults please.' Vic said to the lady at the admission desk. She handed over the tickets and Vic handed her the money. I frowned and turned to Vic as we headed into the zoo.

'How much do I owe you?' I asked Vic.

'Nothing Kells. I'm taking you on this date so I'm paying.' Vic said happily.

'I'm giving you half.' I scrunched my nose up and reached into my pocket to take out some money.

'No you're not.' Vic said and grabbed my hand. He took it out of my pocket and laced his fingers with mine.

'Fine but if this goes well and we don't kill each other I'm paying for the second date.' I grumbled.

'We'll see.' Vic smirked and pulled me along with him to see the lions.

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