N - Night Time Rendezvous'

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Kellin's pov

'Kellin you gotta kiss Vic!' Jaime shouted drunkenly. We were playing spin the bottle at Jamie's house party for his 17th. I span the bottle and it just happened to land on my best friend Vic. I shrugged and turned to Vic, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him closer to me. This should be easy. I used to have a crush on him but he's straight so I squashed it after a while.

'You okay with this?' I whispered in Vic's ear. Well I think I whispered. I was too drunk to tell.

'Uh huh its only you Kell.' Vic said and gave me a goofy smile.

'Gee thanks.' I scoffed jokingly.

'You know what I meant.' Vic chuckled and moved in closer. I finally pulled him right to me and closed the gap between our lips. What I had expected to be a quick and maybe awkward kiss turned out to be probably the best kiss I'd had in my life so far.

'Holy shit. They're making out!' Mike, Vic's brother, shouted as Vic and I kept on kissing. It was as if we couldn't stop or something. When Vic's lips moved against mine it was hot and passionate and holy crap he just put his tongue in my mouth! And I was loving it. I was kissing my best friend and all I could think about was how much of a good kisser he was. And how much I didn't want to stop kissing him.

'Alright alright get a room you two.' Nick said from somewhere in the circle we were all sitting in. I flipped him off and grabbed Vic's hand before standing up and pulling him over to a dark corner of the room.

'Kells what are you doing?' Vic chuckled as I leant against the wall and pulled him close.

'I wanna keep kissing you. It's fun.' I giggled and ran my hand down Vic's cheek gently.

'Cool.' Vic shrugged and gave me a smirk before gripping my hips and pressing his body against mine as we started to make out again.


'C'mon you two.'

'Party's over.'

Nick and Mike said and pulled Vic and I apart from each other. We'd been having a very hot make out session and I grumbled when Nick pulled me away.

'Ooh grumpy Kells.' Mike laughed and dragged Vic along with him. We said goodbye to Jaime and started to make our way to the Fuentes' house. Nick and I were always around there because he's family and I'm Vic's best friend.

'Hey I was enjoying kissing Kellin.' Vic whined and stumbled into me. I grabbed his hand and held it tight to keep him by me.

'Oh man I can't wait to see your faces in the morning when you both realise you kissed each other.' Mike chuckled.

'Shut up Mike.' I grumbled. I was starting to get a headache and just wanted to get into bed.

Finally after what seemed to take forever but was probably only five minutes we reached Vic's house. We all went straight up to bed. Nick going with Mike to his room and me going with Vic to his room. We had always shared a bed together but I had a feeling now that we'd made out it was about to get more interesting. I wondered how Vic was feeling about kissing another guy but then again he probably won't even remember in the morning.

'C'mon Kell. I'm tired.' Vic said and lead me into his room. We stripped down to our boxers quickly and climbed into Vic's bed just like we would every other night. Only this time Vic patted the space by him and when I hopped into it he wrapped his arm around me and held me close. I lay my head on him and sighed happily. I would enjoy this while it lasted before tomorrow when Vic would either forget or regret what happened.


I woke up and before opening my eyes I thought back to last night. I may have been drunk but I can definitely remember making out with my best friend and how much I liked it. How much I wanted to do it again.

'Morning sleepyhead.' Vic smiled when I opened my eyes and looked up at him. My head was still on his chest and he still had his arm around me.

'Hey.' I smiled back and looked into his eyes.

'We kissed.' Vic stated.

'Yup.' I replied.

'I kinda liked it Kells.' Vic said and started to blush.

'You what?!' I shouted a bit too loudly.

'I liked kissing you Kells. In fact I've kinda had a crush on you for a while now.' Vic said and kissed my forehead softly.

'Um isortahaveacrushonyoutoo.' I mumbled quickly and now it was my turn to blush.

'Say that again in English.' Vic chuckled and ran his hand up and down my back.

'I have a crush on you too Vic. I tried to squash it because I thought you were straight but I still really like you. And you're an amazing kisser.' I said and blushed even more.

'Nah I'm not straight. I'm Kellinsexual.' Vic said and smirked at me. I gasped when I felt him squeezing my butt.

'Victor Vincent Fuentes did you just pinch my butt?' I asked even though I knew the answer.

'You have such a cute little tush Kells. I've been wanting to do that for a long time now.' Vic laughed and I smacked him playfully.

'Dork.' I said and pouted jokingly.

'How about I be your dork?' Vic asked hopefully.

'Okay but what does that make me?' I asked.

'Well I guess you could be my pretty little princess slash boyfriend.' Vic said and pulled me closer to him.

'You forgot best friend but I kinda like that idea.' I smiled and moved up close to Vic's face. He still had a hand on my butt as he moved so our lips were almost touching.

'Great. Glad that's settled. Now come here, I want to make out with my boyfriend.' Vic smiled and finally pressed his lips against mine.


What started off as a birthday party with friends turned out to be an amazing nighttime rendezvous resulting in my best friend becoming my boyfriend.

Never say never.

Posted on Wednesday December 14th
Tomorrow's fic will be called Oh Brother
Thank you for reading

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